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A Prince is born

Tue, 1 May 2007 Source: ghanamusic.com

Having been away from Ghana since the birth of true hiplife, far away in Europe, to be precise, Germany, a Prince has been born and will one day claim his throne.

With over 100 tracks recorded, 2007 and beyond is truly his year. In 2008, many artistes will be bowing to the Kumasi born and a member of the Redrowz Group made up of Ashes-Rebel, Husberger, Ras Chezchez and the late Alfonso Knite who left the shores of Ghana in his youthful age.

A stunt follower of hiplife, he has vowed to promote hiplife in the outside world.

Not under pressure to get popular quickly, Dr. Bizzy is taking it easy in his laboratory to mix the most excellent chemicals to get the best outcome – his album.

Dr. Bizzy, a young talented dude trying to make it in life especially in the music sector took time out of school to grant us an interview.

Ghana Music.com: How does it feel flying your country’s flag high in Berlin?

Dr. Bizzy: Yeah I feel great to fly my country’s flag high in Deutschland. It wasn´t easy to let other people understand my language but I forced them to understand it with my Twi flow. Even though they did not understand it, they danced to it.

Ghana Music.com: When was the first time you came out?

Dr Bizzy: ´I came out for the first time with an album called “Agudee” and after that, came out with my group DA REDROWZ to which we did a mix tape.

Ghana Music.com: So what’s your much loved song on the album?

Dr Bizzy: Well I did a single way back in 2005 titled ‘2209’ (Tu Tu Wo Nan) and this will be on my first album. Well to your question, I love all the songs on the album but my favourite is “I Wish” which is dedicated to the street children in Africa and all the falling stars like Terry Bonchaka, Suzzie Williams and more.

Ghana Music.com: How many songs have you got on the album?

Dr. Bizzy: I have 12 songs on CD and 10 tracks on the tape.

Ghana Music.com: Please could you mention a few of them?

Dr. Bizzy: ‘I Wish’, ‘Let’s Get Dirty’, ‘Obaa Pa’, ‘Lilly’, ‘Abiba Up & Down’, ‘Shake Dat Thing’ and many more.

Ghana Music.com: Where do you get your inspiration from?

Dr. Bizzy: Well I get my inspirations from many things like my worse moments, when

something terrible happens to me and others from clubs witnessing live shows

from great artistes .All these things makes me stronger to work hard in the game.

Ghana Music.com: What is the album made up of?

Dr. Bizzy: It talks about me and my whole life which is a true story.

Ghana Music.com: Where do you want to see yourself in some time to come?

Dr. Bizzy: Yeah, I really want to see myself big. But since I’m not there yet, I hope by his Grace I will be there.

Ghana Music.com: How did it all start for you?

Dr Bizzy: Thank you so much for this question, because I listen to a lot of interviews and they keep on saying they have the talent and started singing from childhood whilst they can´t even sing. Well for me, from day one, I had wanted to be a famous guy in the future in the entertainment sector. I started receiving good responses from performances I did in school and big thanks to Reggie who coined the genre hiplife so I joined the hiplife game.

Ghana Music.com: Who are some artistes you would like to work with on your upcoming album?

Dr. Bizzy: I’d like to work with cools guys who are not arrogant and rude because I see

most of these artistes are rude because they have their voices out there. I want work with some good rappers from Kumasi like Ancestors, Joe Frazier and some ghetto rappers I know. And for the

studio producer s, I want to work with Nana King, Hammer, Morris Baby face and Agyingo.

Ghana Music.com: Were you born into a music family?

Dr. Bizzy: Well I think my songs will tell the world about my family. It’s only me and my cousin Kwasoul (Young Soul Connected) who are into the music stuff. We are the youth who love to be famous through music and entertainment. Our parents have never been supportive of our music life but now Kwasoul is a big artiste and a promoter based in the states coming out with an album titled “Hiplife Souls”.

Ghana Music.com: What’s the next move?

Dr. Bizzy: Well my next move will be the launching of my album at two venues – Asiakwah SOS and Kumasi Children’s Home because the album is fully dedicated to them.

Ghana Music.com: How are Ghanaian musicians faring on the German music scene?

Dr. Bizzy: The music scene in Germany is great here; a lot of artistes come out a lot. My homey boy, Bagaluu who I backed, Q-Reece are all out. We want to make a break like Burger highlife and all we need is our fans to support us.

Ghana Music.com: Any artistes that you have worked with before?

Dr. Bizzy: Yeah, Ekow Savage, Shiebu, DJ Ümit and rapped on some German mix tapes.

Ghana Music.com: What makes Dr. Bizzy unique?

Dr. Bizzy: My voice makes me unique and my style on the street.

Ghana Music.com: How has it been so far?

Dr. Bizzy: Working with whites has been my biggest challenge so far. It hasn’t been easy so far. Atimes, my friends discourage me to do English or Deutsch and rather forget my Ghanaian language. If Carribean and Puerto Ricans are able to hit in the States, why can’t I do the same?

Ghana Music.com: How long has Dr. Bizzy been away from his homeland?

Dr. Bizzy: .Well so many years ago but am expecting something big from the Ghana rap game since Reggie introduced. Hiplife is hip-hop with our language but now you listen to over 50 songs and they are all doing the same style, same tempo, and same flow. I wonder why it´s changed so fast and

It’s a pity that we started this thing long time ago but even Nigerians are going higher and higher.

Ghana Music.com: Have you got some issues with the Ghanaian music industry?

Dr. Bizzy: Yeah, we can´t even play Ghanaian song in foreign clubs but Nigerians songs are been played all the time in clubs. Atimes my friends ask me why my style is not like the Nigerians. Some of the DJs too are not fair to artistes. All I want to say is we should try and improve the old stuffs (the real hiplife) and by so doing some years to come the world will hear about our rap music.

Ghana Music.com: The future for Dr. Bizzy?

Dr. Bizzy: The future is what is trying to be right now. Own my record label, Redrowz Records. You always have to dream high and you will get there. Anybody who wants to reach me, can email me at [email protected] or check out www.myspace.com/drbizzy, www.myspace.com/bagaluu, and www.myspace.com/kwasoul .

Ghana Music.com: Sign out

Dr. Bizzy: Thanks to everyone and my last is that we need all the love and support to make it out there and we will never forget you, I mean the fans.

Source: ghanamusic.com