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Akufo Addo Runs Away After Running Vehicle Over 11 Years Old Girl

Thu, 11 Oct 2012 Source: Daily Post


heartlessness NPP flag-bearer, Nana Akufo-Addo exhibited at the age of 23 when while

high on drugs, he left a 41-year old Mails Supervisor, Mr. Woeledzi, of the then

P&T Corporation totally and permanently maimed till death is being enacted

before Ghanaians’ eyes in a real-life drama once again.

On the

second day of last month, the NPP flag-bearer’s 4-wheel drive ran over the tender

foot of an eleven year old girl at Ashaley Botwe, near Madina in Accra leaving

the child in excruciating pain with a fractured left foot. (the picture of the girl

and had

fractured leg is on the front-page of

today’s edition of the Daily Post)

Did the

driver stop for the child to be attended to? No! Did the NPP flag-bearer order

his driver to stop for the child to be attended to? Never! The vehicle,

according to eye witnesses, sped away, reminding one of how the vehicle sped

away in Theo Mazuka’s poem “The Motoka”


I tell you that motoka can run

It sails like a

lyato, speeds like a swallow

And doesn’t know

anyone stupid on its way”

Weeks of investigations by this paper reveals that after

Akufo-Addo and his driver sped away, eye witnesses rushed the child home from

where her father, a petty trader, rushed her to a nearby hospital.

At the hospital, the father spent GH ¢95.00(the very first

day). Subsequent days saw the petty trader spending more money to save his

daughter’s foot. Some executives of the NPP at Ashalley Botwe, after being

berated by people who got wind of the matter went to see the child’s father and

gave him a paltry GH¢100 to take care of her.

Later, the NPP parliamentary candidate for the Adenta

Constituency, Frances Asiam, is said to have sent word to the girl’s father that

she will be coming to visit to see what can be done to save the girl’s foot but

over a month on, she has not set foot in the girl’s house.

Had pressed for cash, the child’s worried father phoned Hon.

Dominic Nitiwul, MP for Bimbilla (who once rented a room in his house) and narrated

the incident to him. Nitiwul promised to get help for the child but till date,

no help has come.

According to sources, some friends of the girl’s father,

unhappy about the behaviour of Nana Akufo-Addo in speeding away, as well as

with Frances and the executive members of the NPP in the constituency went to

Akufo-Addo’s house to report the matter to his wife.

Rebecca Akufo Addo is said to have expressed anger at the way

the child had been abandoned to her fate and promised to brief her husband. One

would have thought she would, in the interim, provide some cash for the child’s

foot to be saved but after expressing concern about the child, saw the visitors

off with nothing.

Sources close to the child and her father say the two have

struggled, as a result, shuffling between hospital and home for almost a month

to save the fractured foot.

The eleven year old, who attends school in Madina and whose

identity the Daily Post is with-holding because she is a minor is said to

have endured the pains stoically and has resumed school though she limps


This atitude of Nana Akufo Addo of not taking responsibility

for his recklessness especially when it involves the lives of others dates back

to late 60s.

In a case that is reported in the Ghana Law Reports asWOELEDZI VRS AKUFO-ADDO(

1982-83) part 1 –GLR

421, on 14th January, 1967, Akufo-Addo,

then 23 years, negligently drove his mother’s uninsured car into the car of one

Mr. Woledzi, a 41 year old Mails Supervisor of the then P&T Corporation.

Mr. Woledzi was

in coma for three weeks as a result after which he was hospitalized for six months.

In September

1967, Mr. Woledzi sued Akufo Addo. The case was first heard by Justice Anterkyi

but after taking two witnesses, the Judge decided not to continue with

proceedings. After several adjournments,

the case was finally heard by Justice Charles Crabbe who in 1969 dismissed Mr.

Woledzi’s claim.

At the time, Lt. Gen. J. A. Ankrah was the Chairman of the National

Liberation Council (NLC) and Head of State (February 24, 1966 – April 3, 1969)


plaintiff (Mr. Woledzi) entered an appeal but mysteriously, the entire record

book containing the record of proceedings of the case was missing. The Court of

Appeals therefore ruled that the case should be re-tried.

The Chief

Justice then, whose responsibility included appointing all judges who sat on

cases at the time, was Edward Akufo-Addo (1966-1970), Nana Akufo-Addo’s father.

Edward was to become the ceremonial President in August 1970.

In 1980 (13

long years after the incident), the case came for re-trial before Mrs. Justice

Cecilia Koranteng-Addow of blessed memory (she was one of the three judges abducted

and callously murdered in 1982 in the early days of the revolution).

This is how

Mrs. Justice Koranteng-Addow described the state of Mr. Woledzi at the time of

the trial;

“….the plaintiff is a different

person from what he was before the accident. His appearance is terrible; his

mouth is twisted to one side and it droops. This was caused by the loss of

sensitivity on the right side of the face. His eyes are so pronounced with a

squint and he walks gingerly without co-ordinating his limbs. He moves as if he

is going to trip at any moment. He still continues to take treatment for the

after effect…….”

Mr. Woeledzi, maimed permanently by Akufo-Addo’s

recklessness never got compensated because the man who is now the NPP

flag-bearer had influence in the society and was able to manipulate his way out

of court instead of taking responsibility for his action. His victim later died

a broken and bitter man still crying for Justice from a man who ironically was

to become Minister of Justice years on.

As if one life is not enough, now, the NPP flag-bearer

is toying with another life again; the energetic life of an eleven year old

girl, by refusing to attend to her after running his car over her tender feet.

The NPP is spending millions if not billions of Ghana cedis campaigning to win

the elections in December. Just a few hundred Ghana cedis, and showing the

little girl affection and love, will save her foot. But Akufo-Addo does not

care. Neither does his wife, Frances, Nitiwul or the executives of the NPP in

the Adenta Constituency. This is the typical NPP politician for you. For them,

power is more important than life.

The way Akufo-Addo and his driver sped away reminds after

running their vehicle over the foot of the poor eleven year old reminds one

of the poem “Motoka” by Theo Luzuka. We

produce it below for our readers reading delight;

The Motoka


see that Benz sitting at the rich’s end?

Ha! That motoka is motoka

It belongs to the Minister for Fairness

Who yesterday was loaded with a doctorate

At Makarere with whisky and I don’t know what

Plus I hear the literate thighs of an undergraduate.


see those market women gaping their mouths?

The glory of its inside has robbed them of words,

I tell you the feather seats the gold steering

The tv the radio station the gear!

He can converse with all the world’s presidents

While driving in the back seat with his darly

Between his legs with the driver not seeing a thing!

ha! ha! ha!


at the driver chasing the children away

They want to see the pistol in the door pocket


the button that lets out bullets

from the machine

Through the eyes of the car


Let’s not talk about it.


I tell you that motoka can run

It sails like a lyato, speeds like a swallow

And doesn’t know anyone stupid on its way

The other day I heard -

But look at its behind, that mother of twins!

A-ah! That motoka is motoka

You just wait, I’ll tell you more

But let me first sell my tomatoes.

Source: Daily Post