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Angela Asare - Miss Universe Ghana

Angela Asare

Sun, 9 Jul 2006 Source: --

Angela Asare was born on October 24th, 1985. She is a student pursuing a degree in Business Marketing. At 1.88 m (6'2") in height, she is the tallest contestant to enter this year's Miss Universe pageant

"I am third in a close knit single-parent family of four girls. I was born in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. Both of my parents are from Kwahu-Obomeng, a beautiful city located high in the cool mountainous region of Eastern Ghana; so I do consider Obomeng my hometown as well.

We lost my father when I was 9 years old, and so my mother has been the one to provide a loving, nurturing environment, and a solid foundation for my sisters and myself. Growing up in a household of girls guaranteed that a lot of very interesting things happened, very often! But it was always a happy home filled with lots of laughter.

Extended family life is an important part of Ghanaian culture, and I have been extremely fortunate to have been born into a family of strong, brilliant, enterprising women.

My mother and her sisters have all been wonderful role models for me. Having the opportunity to observe their work ethic, and seeing them succeed in their business endeavors greatly influenced my leadership skills".

Angela is currently pursuing a Business Marketing degree at Montgomery College with aspirations of furthering her education to obtain a masters' degree and a career as an international entrepreneur in the beauty and cosmetic industry.

"I describe myself as a passionate person, with a great zest for life. I make an effort to live each day at my best and savor every experience, always keeping in mind that it’s the simplest things in life that make you most happiest.

I also think of myself as strong, committed and independent, and I have a foundation that teaches me to be mindful, respectful and considerate of everyone and everything around me. My faith and spirituality are an important aspect of my life, and I hold my relationships, (both family and friends) very close.

I chose to live as a generous spirit, not only because I was raised to believe that it is indeed a privilege to be in the position to give of yourself, but also because I know firsthand that anything given or shared from the heart, even if it’s simply a smile, is returned to you multiplied many times over!"

Angela has varied interests and hobbies. She enjoys reading a good book (especially in the cool tropical breeze), the experience of travel, and museums. She also likes sports, especially basketball and soccer. She appreciates most kinds of music, R&B, Jazz, Hip Hop, contemporary Classical, but especially enjoys ‘Hiplife’, which is a modern blend of the traditional Ghanaian music ‘Highlife’ and ‘Hip Hop".

" I love to dance, and I like to go dancing with my sisters and friends when I have the time, although I’m not so sure I’m a good dancer. I’m an avid action movie buff and critic. I’m also very interested in the culinary arts, and can brag that I am a fabulous cook. To unwind and rejuvenate my spirit, I find spending time with children in a sand box helps me do just that".

Among all these interests, we asked Angela about her favorite things in life such as food, sport, song and movie.

"It’s difficult to choose a favorite, when it comes to food because I love to cook and eat! I really enjoy spicy food. I’ll say one of my favorites is a local Ghanaian dish, fried plantains and beans stew".

"My favorite sport is basketball, and I played the center position for 3 years in high school, although I was raised on soccer which is a favorite pastime for us Ghanaians. I am very excited for Ghana and our national soccer team players participating in the World Cup!".

"My favorite song is 'I will always love you' by Whitney Houston. I’m a bit of a romantic, and isn’t every girl?"

"And my favorite movie is “Crash”. A departure from my usual favorites, this movie struck a chord with me because it objectively points out how easy it is for us all to self-righteously typecast. It is a very perceptive depiction of how irrational and unfounded our prejudices are. Featuring a moving soundtrack, a well-written script and an outstanding cast, I was delighted when it won an Oscar!"

We also asked Angela to share in interesting anecdote to share with our readers:

"As a little girl, my aunt Rose would always stock our library at home with new books, and even for the occasional gift at Christmas or on my birthday she would always give me a book.

Of course as a little girl, I would have rather preferred a doll, a dollhouse or some other toy, but not another book! Always polite, I would receive the book, say thank you, and hope she would make another choice for my next gift.

Well one day, after getting yet another book, I must have showed a little displeasure at her gift. I remember her saying very gently to me “Angela, toys will not last forever, but books will take you anywhere you want to go”.

I didn’t understand her point then, but I certainly do now!!"


GB: How did you end up competing in a beauty pageant?

I always watched pageants with great interest and admired the gracefulness and elegance of the women who competed. Participating in a pageant was much more of a dream then, because I was quite tall and lanky for my age, and felt a bit awkward.

At the age of 15, I was scouted by a modeling agent, but my mother thought I was much too young to leave home. Ultimately, it was my family who encouraged my participation in our national pageant. My decision to compete was partly influenced by the thought that it presented an avenue to challenge myself and afford me exposure.

I was also influenced by how much hope you could give people as a titleholder which is a true sign of leadership (citing Michelle McLean, Mpule Kwelagobe and Wendy Fitzwilliam). The other was every girl’s secret desire to be a princess! (laugh).

After my crowning, I realize much more what a great honor and a tremendous responsibility it is to represent your country, and have other people experience your country through you. To have the opportunity to participate in such a glamorous international event - that just adds icing to the cake!

GB: What social cause have you identified with as Miss Universe Ghana?

The issue of HIV/AIDS education and research heads my list of my pro-social agendas. Although it is the official charity of our national pageant, it hits hard because this disease challenges our very existence as a people on the African continent.

It affects everyone regardless of age or social status and even the unborn. I am an advocate for a targeted approach that addresses the social and traditional aspects of our culture that continue to advance infection especially among women of productive age.

We also have the challenges of the issue of AIDS orphans, and the accessibility of retro viral medication to all people who are in need of it. I recently completed a series of Public Service Announcements which should begin to air nationally in the near future.

I feel very fortunate to be in a position and be able do this, because from my corner of the globe, having the opportunity as a woman to speak out and be heard is a special privilege.

GB: What do you expect of this year's Miss Universe pageant?

I expect this year’s pageant to showcase the essence of today’s woman in a sophisticated and entertaining way. I’ve had the opportunity to see some of the photographs and profiles of my sister delegates, and I’m honored to be competing with such impressive and well accomplished women.

I expect to represent myself and the women of Ghana at my best, and to be a great ambassador of my country. I also look forward to meeting the other delegates, experiencing other cultures, forming new friendships, and having fun doing all that. Also, the opportunity of taking the Miss Universe crown to Ghana and West Africa for the first time sounds pretty good!

GB: How would you promote your country internationally?

Ghana is a great country, and the star of the African continent. Situated on the west coast of Africa, it is graced by the Atlantic Ocean on its southern border, enjoys a warm tropical climate and has remarkable white sandy beaches along the entire southern coastline.

The friendliness, warmth and hospitality of Ghanaians is legendary, earning us the accolade "Africa’s friendliest people". We are certain to make anyone immediately feel welcome, and it is never unusual for us to invite total strangers as guests into our homes.

Ghana has an equally rich and colorful culture, as well as a unique and fascinating documented history. The coast is also dotted with many forts and castles, many of which have been classified as World Heritage Monuments, and are factual reminders of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Ghana is also home to the great African monarchy, the Ashanti Kingdom. Ghana is a juxtaposition of the modern and the traditional. It features very modern, cosmopolitan influences in the cities while a drive into a nearby village transports you to another world rooted in indigenous traditions.

There are a myriad of unique and interesting sights to enjoy throughout the entire country from the North to the South; such as Nzulezo - an entire village built on stilts and in water, or the world famous suspended canopy walkway at Kakum National Park (one of the four in the world and the only one in Africa), upscale restaurants, shopping and exciting an nightlife.

Ghana is a tourist’s paradise, and offers something for everyone – the adventurer, the nature lover, the historian, the culture buff, the modern traveler or if you simply just want to relax and enjoy the sun and surf. I proudly volunteer to be your tour guide!

GB: What musical guest would you like to see performing at the Miss Universe pageant?

Definitely, Seal! The ultimate performer, Seal is a true vocal talent, with a classy presentation style. A performance by him would be appropriate for a glamorous event as the Miss Universe Pageant.

Juliette Korsah, director of the Miss Universe Ghana Organization, talks to Global Beauties about Angela and her upcoming participation:

"Angela is a unique gem with a quiet fire and a calm confidence that the entire team has grown to admire. She shares wisdom that goes way beyond her years, and has an admirable approach and commitment to helping others. The entire Miss Universe Ghana Organization and Ghana send her to the Universe with love and respect!

Interview by Ed Dominguez

Angela Asare was born on October 24th, 1985. She is a student pursuing a degree in Business Marketing. At 1.88 m (6'2") in height, she is the tallest contestant to enter this year's Miss Universe pageant

"I am third in a close knit single-parent family of four girls. I was born in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. Both of my parents are from Kwahu-Obomeng, a beautiful city located high in the cool mountainous region of Eastern Ghana; so I do consider Obomeng my hometown as well.

We lost my father when I was 9 years old, and so my mother has been the one to provide a loving, nurturing environment, and a solid foundation for my sisters and myself. Growing up in a household of girls guaranteed that a lot of very interesting things happened, very often! But it was always a happy home filled with lots of laughter.

Extended family life is an important part of Ghanaian culture, and I have been extremely fortunate to have been born into a family of strong, brilliant, enterprising women.

My mother and her sisters have all been wonderful role models for me. Having the opportunity to observe their work ethic, and seeing them succeed in their business endeavors greatly influenced my leadership skills".

Angela is currently pursuing a Business Marketing degree at Montgomery College with aspirations of furthering her education to obtain a masters' degree and a career as an international entrepreneur in the beauty and cosmetic industry.

"I describe myself as a passionate person, with a great zest for life. I make an effort to live each day at my best and savor every experience, always keeping in mind that it’s the simplest things in life that make you most happiest.

I also think of myself as strong, committed and independent, and I have a foundation that teaches me to be mindful, respectful and considerate of everyone and everything around me. My faith and spirituality are an important aspect of my life, and I hold my relationships, (both family and friends) very close.

I chose to live as a generous spirit, not only because I was raised to believe that it is indeed a privilege to be in the position to give of yourself, but also because I know firsthand that anything given or shared from the heart, even if it’s simply a smile, is returned to you multiplied many times over!"

Angela has varied interests and hobbies. She enjoys reading a good book (especially in the cool tropical breeze), the experience of travel, and museums. She also likes sports, especially basketball and soccer. She appreciates most kinds of music, R&B, Jazz, Hip Hop, contemporary Classical, but especially enjoys ‘Hiplife’, which is a modern blend of the traditional Ghanaian music ‘Highlife’ and ‘Hip Hop".

" I love to dance, and I like to go dancing with my sisters and friends when I have the time, although I’m not so sure I’m a good dancer. I’m an avid action movie buff and critic. I’m also very interested in the culinary arts, and can brag that I am a fabulous cook. To unwind and rejuvenate my spirit, I find spending time with children in a sand box helps me do just that".

Among all these interests, we asked Angela about her favorite things in life such as food, sport, song and movie.

"It’s difficult to choose a favorite, when it comes to food because I love to cook and eat! I really enjoy spicy food. I’ll say one of my favorites is a local Ghanaian dish, fried plantains and beans stew".

"My favorite sport is basketball, and I played the center position for 3 years in high school, although I was raised on soccer which is a favorite pastime for us Ghanaians. I am very excited for Ghana and our national soccer team players participating in the World Cup!".

"My favorite song is 'I will always love you' by Whitney Houston. I’m a bit of a romantic, and isn’t every girl?"

"And my favorite movie is “Crash”. A departure from my usual favorites, this movie struck a chord with me because it objectively points out how easy it is for us all to self-righteously typecast. It is a very perceptive depiction of how irrational and unfounded our prejudices are. Featuring a moving soundtrack, a well-written script and an outstanding cast, I was delighted when it won an Oscar!"

We also asked Angela to share in interesting anecdote to share with our readers:

"As a little girl, my aunt Rose would always stock our library at home with new books, and even for the occasional gift at Christmas or on my birthday she would always give me a book.

Of course as a little girl, I would have rather preferred a doll, a dollhouse or some other toy, but not another book! Always polite, I would receive the book, say thank you, and hope she would make another choice for my next gift.

Well one day, after getting yet another book, I must have showed a little displeasure at her gift. I remember her saying very gently to me “Angela, toys will not last forever, but books will take you anywhere you want to go”.

I didn’t understand her point then, but I certainly do now!!"


GB: How did you end up competing in a beauty pageant?

I always watched pageants with great interest and admired the gracefulness and elegance of the women who competed. Participating in a pageant was much more of a dream then, because I was quite tall and lanky for my age, and felt a bit awkward.

At the age of 15, I was scouted by a modeling agent, but my mother thought I was much too young to leave home. Ultimately, it was my family who encouraged my participation in our national pageant. My decision to compete was partly influenced by the thought that it presented an avenue to challenge myself and afford me exposure.

I was also influenced by how much hope you could give people as a titleholder which is a true sign of leadership (citing Michelle McLean, Mpule Kwelagobe and Wendy Fitzwilliam). The other was every girl’s secret desire to be a princess! (laugh).

After my crowning, I realize much more what a great honor and a tremendous responsibility it is to represent your country, and have other people experience your country through you. To have the opportunity to participate in such a glamorous international event - that just adds icing to the cake!

GB: What social cause have you identified with as Miss Universe Ghana?

The issue of HIV/AIDS education and research heads my list of my pro-social agendas. Although it is the official charity of our national pageant, it hits hard because this disease challenges our very existence as a people on the African continent.

It affects everyone regardless of age or social status and even the unborn. I am an advocate for a targeted approach that addresses the social and traditional aspects of our culture that continue to advance infection especially among women of productive age.

We also have the challenges of the issue of AIDS orphans, and the accessibility of retro viral medication to all people who are in need of it. I recently completed a series of Public Service Announcements which should begin to air nationally in the near future.

I feel very fortunate to be in a position and be able do this, because from my corner of the globe, having the opportunity as a woman to speak out and be heard is a special privilege.

GB: What do you expect of this year's Miss Universe pageant?

I expect this year’s pageant to showcase the essence of today’s woman in a sophisticated and entertaining way. I’ve had the opportunity to see some of the photographs and profiles of my sister delegates, and I’m honored to be competing with such impressive and well accomplished women.

I expect to represent myself and the women of Ghana at my best, and to be a great ambassador of my country. I also look forward to meeting the other delegates, experiencing other cultures, forming new friendships, and having fun doing all that. Also, the opportunity of taking the Miss Universe crown to Ghana and West Africa for the first time sounds pretty good!

GB: How would you promote your country internationally?

Ghana is a great country, and the star of the African continent. Situated on the west coast of Africa, it is graced by the Atlantic Ocean on its southern border, enjoys a warm tropical climate and has remarkable white sandy beaches along the entire southern coastline.

The friendliness, warmth and hospitality of Ghanaians is legendary, earning us the accolade "Africa’s friendliest people". We are certain to make anyone immediately feel welcome, and it is never unusual for us to invite total strangers as guests into our homes.

Ghana has an equally rich and colorful culture, as well as a unique and fascinating documented history. The coast is also dotted with many forts and castles, many of which have been classified as World Heritage Monuments, and are factual reminders of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Ghana is also home to the great African monarchy, the Ashanti Kingdom. Ghana is a juxtaposition of the modern and the traditional. It features very modern, cosmopolitan influences in the cities while a drive into a nearby village transports you to another world rooted in indigenous traditions.

There are a myriad of unique and interesting sights to enjoy throughout the entire country from the North to the South; such as Nzulezo - an entire village built on stilts and in water, or the world famous suspended canopy walkway at Kakum National Park (one of the four in the world and the only one in Africa), upscale restaurants, shopping and exciting an nightlife.

Ghana is a tourist’s paradise, and offers something for everyone – the adventurer, the nature lover, the historian, the culture buff, the modern traveler or if you simply just want to relax and enjoy the sun and surf. I proudly volunteer to be your tour guide!

GB: What musical guest would you like to see performing at the Miss Universe pageant?

Definitely, Seal! The ultimate performer, Seal is a true vocal talent, with a classy presentation style. A performance by him would be appropriate for a glamorous event as the Miss Universe Pageant.

Juliette Korsah, director of the Miss Universe Ghana Organization, talks to Global Beauties about Angela and her upcoming participation:

"Angela is a unique gem with a quiet fire and a calm confidence that the entire team has grown to admire. She shares wisdom that goes way beyond her years, and has an admirable approach and commitment to helping others. The entire Miss Universe Ghana Organization and Ghana send her to the Universe with love and respect!

Interview by Ed Dominguez

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