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Asem Mad Over Teen Sex


Mon, 31 Jan 2011 Source: News-One

Editor of Flex entertainment newspaper, Samuel Baah, would this morning report at the Ministries Police Station to help in investigations into reports that hip-hop musician Nana Wiafe Asante Mensah aka Asem had drugged, raped and impregnated a teenage girl.

The girl’s name was given simply as Queenie and her real age remains a mystery. She claims to be 17 but her mother is swearing heaven and earth the girl is 15.

The matter has gotten complicated as both daughter and mum say the pregnancy has been aborted and that the alleged rape happened last year but no police report was made.

Asem has meanwhile flatly denied all three allegations but says he would not pass comment on it publicly because his management intends taking legal action against his accuses. “The matter is a serious one and we are treating it as such. We will make a public a statement soon,” Albert Mensah, Asem’s General Manager, told News-One yesterday. Sources from Lynx Entertainment, the record label handling Asem, say he has been asked not to pass any public comment over the matter whiles police investigations are still underway.

The Flex newspaepr, in breaking the story, quoted Queenie to have explained how she got in contact with Asem: “I liked Asem as a music star so I decided to visit him at his Achimota residence one day as a friend…. When I got to his house, he gave me a drink and before I knew I was feeling dizzy in the process. I thought I was just feeling sleepy naturally so I allowed myself to sleep.

I only woke up and realized that my virginity had been broken with blood on me. “That was when I knew I had been raped. I could not tell my mum who happens to be a teacher in a Senior High School since she would not have taken it kindly. I only went to the Maamobi Polyclinic and the doctor told me I was pregnant. I told Asem I was pregnant but he did not mind me till even now, though I hid it from my mum.”

Asem is a product of the Ghana Institute of Journalism and had his secondary education at St. Peter’s Senior High School. He is currently one of the best artistes on the Lynx Entertainment record label and is best remembered for hit songs like ‘Give Me Blow’. ‘2010 Filla’, ‘Wu B3 Da Ntem’, ‘No More Kpayor’, ‘School De Be’ and ‘Pigaro.’

Source: News-One