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Aspiring President offers to serve jail term for Tsatsu Tsikata !

Tue, 1 Jul 2008 Source: Kwame Appiah Boateng

Populist Politician and former Ghanaian American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, known by Ghanaians around the World as Kwame Mayor, who aspires to someday become President of Ghana says he would like to serve the sentence of Mr. Tsatsu Tsikata for Humanitarian reasons - on condition that the former Chief Executive Officer of Ghana National Petroleum Corporation is immediately released from jail and instead, former Military Junta Leaders, Jerry John Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan are put in jail, at least temporary, before being pardoned - However, the "Politician of the People, by the People and for the People" told the Nation that "It's better to forgive than to revenge, and that an eye for an eye would make Ghana blind, and a tooth for a tooth would leave Ghana toothless".

For the first time, the Living Legend and Champion of Human Rights and Civil Rights, who strongly denies a Political Cult following of his die-hard supporters, publicly admitted that he once faxed emergency letters to some South Korean and United States' Newspapers, and to the United States Embassy in South Korea in which he offered to die for the Martyred and kidnapped South Korean National, Kim who was cold-bloodly executed by his Terrorists Captors.

"Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor praised the ruling Kufuor's government for at least, sparring the life of Mr. Tsastu Tsikata upon his conviction - reminding Ghanaians and the International Community that former Military Junta Leader, Jerry John Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan and Captain (Retired) Kojo Tsikata have a track record of committing political murders, and that had Mr. (Tsastu) Tsikata been convicted during AFRC and PNDC days which President Kufuor accepted a position from Rawlings, the brilliant Tsastu Tsikata, an asset to the Nation, would probably have been executed by "Blood Suckers" like Jerry Rawlings, Boakye Djan and Kojo Tsikata.

"It's for Humanitarian reasons that I would like to trade places and serve the sentence for (Tsastu) Tsikata", said the "People's Politician" who has hinted that he may join the CJA in Peaceful and Non-Violent protests and may seek International Lawyers for Tsastu Tsikata, since Rawlings and Boakye Djan have been allowed to enjoy their National booty, while (Tsastu), a defenseless Civilian, is being punished.

Turning to the National Award, the Politician has again, condemned the action of President John Agyekum Kufuor's government for nominating people accused of committing heinous political murders in the Country such as Captain (Retired) Kojo Tsikata, dubbed the ("Angel of Death") for National award, and in what can be described as political sarcaism, the Abroad's President asked President Kufuor to also honor all members of the erstwhile Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC), especially Major (Retired) Boakye Djan for committing serious Human Rights abuses - since the ruling government has symbolically sent wrong signals to Ghanaians and the International Community that if you kill for politically motivated reasons in Ghana, as former Military Junta Leader Jerry John Rawlings did during AFRC and PNDC days, President Kufuor would reward you someday with one of the Nation's Highest awards.

" To the Political murderers in Ghana like Jerry John Rawlings, Boakye Djan, Kojo Tsikata, etc, remember the fate of Saddam Hussein and those who committed Human Rights abuses with him", warned the "Politician of the People, for the People and by the People" who says that (as far as Africa is concerned), President George Bush, a Texas Cowboy, has made the World a better place to live, even though he is opposed to all wars - urging the Bush Administration and the United Nations to condemn President Kufuour's government for nominating political murderers for National award which he described as a "misguided incentive for political murderers".

Captain (Retired) Kojo Tsikata, the Sadistic "Ghana's Angel of Death", Major (Retired) Boakye Djan, the Sadistic "Ghana's Blacula" and Jerry John Rawlings, the Sadistic "Ghana's Dracula" are [NOT] above the Law, the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate told Ghanaians around the World, especially, Ghanaian Journalists who are supposed to be the fearless defenders of Democracy, Human Rights and Civil Rights".

"President Kufuor who accepted a position from Jerry John Rawlings PNDC government and has symbolically honored political murderers when his government nominated them for National award, is not above the Law either", said the Great Grandson of Asante Adonteng Puduo Royals from Bamang, near the Kente weaving Town of Bonwire, whose very biological ancestors, as the historical and legitimate occupants of Kumasi Adontenghene Chieftaincy Stool, led Asante or African wars against the Colonialists and Imperialists from England who are "Our White Brothers and Sisters".

" The ruling government's National Award for Captain (Retired) Kojo Tsikata, the "Angel of Death" is not only a great insult to the pains and sufferings of the Martyred Judges of Ghana and other Ghanaians who were murdered in Cold Blood for Political reasons during Rawlings' Military days which President Kufuor himself accepted a position, but emotionally provocative, says Pro-American Democracy Activist, Iconic Freedom Fighter and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as (Kwame Mayor), who has appealed to Ghanaians around the World on his popular Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com to exercise great restraint and choose Peace over the Language of Violence.

"Once again, an eye for an eye would make all of us blind, and a tooth or a tooth would make all of us toothless", said "America's Mandela".


>>> Signed for Release : Che Mashinini, Special Correspondent to Uhuru Times

>>> The Campaign Office of "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, (KWAME MAYOR)

>>> Email: [email protected]

>>> Telephone (310) 740-3132 - USA

>>> *[Website]* : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com

Source: Kwame Appiah Boateng