









Disparity is a problem, not only in showbiz – Lydia Forson

Lydia Forson White Lydia Forson

Thu, 10 Mar 2016 Source: Hitz FM

Actress Lydia Forson says disparity is not just an entertainment industry menace but a societal problem generally.

The actress in an exclusive interview with Hitz@1 speaking on the theme of this year's International Women's Day celebration, "Pledge for parity", indicated that it would be unfair for anyone to limit disparity to the entertainment industry alone.

"When you say disparity in the industry, it just automatically means in other areas it doesn't happen. Generally, women are constantly having to prove themselves twice as hard. There is a lot of sexism in our society and the worst kind of sexism is the subtle kind where the men don't even know they are (being) sexist, " said Forson.

She also narrated the ordeal she goes through as a female producer.

"The hardest thing for me is when I walk into a room and I am looking for sponsorship especially and they just can't believe I am actually here to work for my money. The assumption is that I should be in there trying to get in bed with the CEO. Or trying to win favours so you walk into a meeting and you are not taken seriously as a businesswoman so then you have to talk twice as hard".

The actress cum producer says she won't toe the line of those who are crying foul but added that disparity is, however, evident in how society underrates women in society.

"The only issue I would have with the industry generally is the role of women and how we are just expected to be the pretty face, seen but not heard. Your role as an entertainer is just to look beautiful," said Forson.

She added that "You are not expected to be smart and so how dare you talk about national issues or how dare you to be intelligent. Basically, how dare you be anything more than a Louis Vuitton wearing, Louis Vuitton bag holding kind of girl."

Lydia thinks the fight for equality has been lost because the focus of many women is to be better than a man which according to her should not be the case.

"We have lost the whole point. For instance, I am not in any competition to be better than a man. I am trying to be better, period!. I think women's fight is for respect when you respect people you treat them equally, but in the fight for equality, we have missed the road. It seems now we want to prove that I can do what a man can do, but it shouldn't be like that," she stated.

Source: Hitz FM