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Ex-President's Daughter Delivers

Fri, 3 Jun 2005 Source: Crusading & Daily Guide

Soon a big party is going to be thrown by the Rawlingses to welcome the new ?Princess' born by ex-president Rawlings' first daughter, Ezanetor Rawlings in the last few days.

Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings, the newest grandmother in town, and Dr. J.J. Rawlings, newest grandfather in town, according to our sources have all geared up to sing, dance and praise the lord for blessing them with such a nice bouncing baby girl, who is said to be the exact replica of Dr. Dr. Rawlings.

When the news first hit the ears of the ex-first family it was all jubilation. Nana Konadu together with Victor Smith and Rawlings burst into an unending dance of joy. "It is not all parents who live to see their grandchildren", they declared while dancing.

The Baby's name is Esinam Leilani Kennedy Agyemang Rawlings. Ezanetor Rawlings, who recently graduated from medical school in Dublin, Ireland was reported to have been put in a family way by a Dr. Kenneth, half-Irish, half English, whilst the two were still making plans to formalize their relationship by tying the nuptial knot. The two described as love-birds, reportedly breezed into town on May 16, 2005 ostensibly to enable Ezanetor to show her new-found lover to the Rawlingses in Ghana.

Source: Crusading & Daily Guide