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FEATURE: No Recognition For Hiplife?

Tue, 8 Aug 2006 Source: Asamoah-Baidoo, Arnold

Many expressed mixed reactions concerning the recent 'Republic Day' awards given to statesmen,entrepreneurs,historians and entertainers(musicians and actors) for their immense contribution and service to the nation. The most reverred statesman and acclaimed writer Mr.K.B.Asante even expressed his reservations regarding the criteria used to nominate laureates. Well,in the music industry,there have been rhubarbs,agitation and consternation as to why some individuals were denied awards.

Make no mistake,all those that annexed awards deserve them but the question is why others who have sacrified and expended enough in the industry were not awarded. Everybody would have an opinion as to who deserves what,but I'm particularly bemused and befuddled that hiplife music was demurred at the recent awards. The genre was not represented at all,not by an individual or a group and I am gobsmacked that neither a performer,a producer or a stakeholder in the hiplife industry was recognised. Apparently,the self-proclaimed originator of hiplife,Reggie Rockstone has intimated his displeasure that hiplife was blatantly denied recognition and I do concur with him. Although,I'm not advocating for a Reggie award,I think the music which has contributed enough for the development of the nation deserved mention.

The hiplife music since its advent a decade ago,thanks to Reggie,has engaged the youth and has undoubtedly brought some meaning and affluence to many of its purveyors. The likes of Sidney,Obrafour,Lord Kenya will attest to the kind of influence Reggie Rockstone and hiplife have had on their chosen career. Hate it or love it,hiplife is a career and let's face it,many hiplifers making it today would've turned into hoodlums and vagabonds if not for hiplife. Hiplife is indeed God-sent and by not according any adulation to it,it means that,the State does not respect and recognise hiplife. And this is the same music they use for their campaigns and use as taunt-songs in their parliamemtary jousts. The same kind of music that promulgates Ghana by winning awards at internatinal shows. Infact,go to the various Ghanaian communities abroad and observe the kind of songs they jam to during the independence celebrations and 'get-togethers'.

Hiplife has its shortcomings,especially with some tartlets and their lax lyrical contents,but the good attributes outweighs the bad. That brings me back to Reggie Rockstone. The man may not have done so much with respect to number of albums,album sales or a record label in his name,but he's done enough. You can hate him for whatever reason,but you can't strip him off the honour for the coinage of hiplife,and if you ask me if there's anyone who deserve an award,I'll unequivocally mention Reggie Rockstone.Give Caesar what is due Caesar! Hiplife has altered the face of Ghanaian music and has also changed lives,It's about time we recognised it.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.
Source: Asamoah-Baidoo, Arnold