









George Darko: I Can’t Do Sex Film

George Darko

Thu, 24 Dec 2009 Source: News One

The originator of “Burger” highlife, George Darko of ‘Akoo Te Brofo’ fame, has explained reasons behind rumours making the rounds that he may be one of the persons behind the pornography sex scandal that recently hit the Akwapim Ridge environs in the Eastern region of Ghana.

George Darko, currently the Tufuhene of Akropong- Akwapim, told NEWS-ONE at his royal palace that though he was not personally involved in the production of the said pornography, the producers decided to use one of his hit songs as the background music for the sex film and because he is a royal and resident of the area, people who saw the video started to scandalously mention his name as connected with it.

He narrated further that Kwamee, the suspected producer, currently on Police wanted list, also happened to be a royal from Akropong so when reports went round that the said film was produced by one Nana from Akropong and the background music was ‘Akoo Te Brofo’, all fingers started pointing at him.

“The whole thing became worse when a group of peeved youth rebels in the area became angry at me because the Royal House had cancelled one of our festivals; Odo a didi, which had been literally turned into a free-for-all sex festival and leaves the royal square and sacred tree covered with used condoms, menstrual pads and all sorts of things considered as sacrilegious.

“I am a royal and my stool puts me directly in charge of the youth in the area so I had to enforce the decision of the State to cancel the festival, especially when it had become a sex festival. The youth then vowed to attack the royal palace but I called their bluff and advised they used dialogue in addressing the issue.

“Some of them were quite angry at me and started to spread this evil talk that I am trying to stop a festival on the grounds of immorality at a time my song was being used for a sex film and that I may even have been involved and so on and so forth, and before I realized, the whole thing had spread.

“But fact is I, George Darko cannot be involved in such a shameful act because I have a reputation and a name to protect. I did not do ‘Akoo Te Brofo’ for some dirty pornography with some village girls whose buttocks are not even nice, excuse my language; that song was a world hit you know and I don’t even know these girls.”

George Darko narrated further that in a bid to clear his name, he had vowed to help the Police get to the bottom of the matter. “There was one time I heard that Kwamee was hiding in a bush near Akropong; I quickly mobilized people and personally invaded the bush to smoke him out. I searched for him till my royal sandals got torn and I even tripped and fell.

“Another time too, I heard some guys had entered his room so again, I organized people and got them arrested. I personally dragged them to the Police station for them to tell where Kwaame is; so how can I be involved in something criminal and yet be arresting people for the Police?” George Darko asked.

Source: News One