




Live Radio






Sun, 7 Dec 2003 Source: PALAVER

Is it true that ...

Is it true that ...
The decision to confer an Honorary Doctorate in Law degree on H.E. President John Agyekum Kufuor was taken very acrimoniously, that the Council of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) was split right down the middle as to whether the honorary degree should be awarded him or not, that University Chancellor, Sir Dr. Chancellor Sam Jonah nominated Nelson Mandela whilst University Council Chairman, Dr Charles Mensah nominated President J. A. Kufuor, that many were those who were of the view that President Kufuor was singularly unqualified for the award, that in the end, the Vice Chancellor and the Registrar had to visit the Council members individually in their homes to lobby them, with rumors of the Higher Education equivalent of journalists’ black polythene bags’ having changed hands in several homes before President Kufuor could get his much desired honorary doctorate degree?

Cabinet at its meeting held on Friday, 19th September, 2003, approved the policy on fuel levy, tolling of roads and axle load control and was informed that a Legislative Instrument had been prepared to pave the way to operational the policy, and is it true therefore that that means that fuel prices and bridge and road tolls are to go up yet again?

The NPP Government is dragging its feet on the ratification of the WHO framework Convention on Tobacco Control which seeks global solutions to the unique and massive impact on public health, than though the Government accepts that tobacco smoking poses risks to health and it is therefore necessary to have a Convention to mobilize global support for its control, nevertheless because the obligations that go with the Convention could be far-reaching for Ghana’s socio-economic development, the Government is reluctant to ratify the Convention and Cabinet therefore deferred its consideration indefinitely, thus putting financial considerations over and above the health considerations of the people?

A very senior member of President Kufuor’s ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ has kept in his personal foreign bank account the hefty amount of US$5 million which the NPP ‘earned’ during the struggle for the take-over of Ashanti Goldfields Company (AGC) Limited, and that this has created grave tension within the NPP?

Contrary to NPP propaganda that the NDC Government left a mess behind, the UN FAO in its fifth annual report on “The State of Food Insecurity in the World, 1999-2001”, the most recent years for which data are available, reported that nineteen countries, including China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Peru, Brazil, Ghana and Namibia, succeeded in reducing the number of undernourished throughout the 1990s?