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Herbalist Cures HIV/AIDS

Tue, 30 May 2006 Source: Sun

?If anybody tells you that HIV/AIDS have not got a natural cure, tell that person that he is a liar? Dr. Oheneba Akwasi Amoakoh, a herbalist has this to say when the Sun visited his center.

Beaming with confidence with laboratory reports showing both positive and negative after treatment at his center, Dr. Amoakoh threw a challenge to both local and international health organizations to put him to test. ?I am not bragging unless all the dozens of positive results brought to me from different medical laboratories are fake. If indeed these results that were submitted to me by these patients were genuine as indicated on the reports then nobody can claim that HIV/AIDS has no cure,? he boasted.

According to Dr. Amoakoh since a prophet has no honour in his own country, authorities in Ghana have chosen to close their eyes on him even though they have in possession dozens of the laboratory results.

He expressed grieve concern about how he was being frustrated after his claims were made public in the media. However, he said he was not perturbed about the frustrations since time would definitely catch up with those who were out there to block his good tidings.

According to Dr. Amoakoh, currently he has in possession more than enough evidence to prove to the whole world that he has got a cure for the world deadly disease. ?I cannot sit back unconcerned for this disease to claim precious lives in the country as well as the world when I have a cure for it,? he said.

Dr. Amoakoh said he started treating the disease without knowing that it was AIDS. He said he used to call it slimming disease in late 70s till recently it was determined that the disease was AIDS. Supporting with documents, Dr. Amoakoh, narrated how Tanzanian government nearly succeeded in whisking him from Ghana.

Even though his much efforts to publish names of the patients he has cured has so far met with serious confrontations and threats as the home government is not prepared to support that, despite submission of various evidence of AIDS cure to the Ministry of Health and Castle for their perusal. There has been long silence from the Castle and the Ministry since this submission was done.

Dr Amoako who is treading his live cautiously in order not to meet the fate like that of the late Nana Drobo, a local herbalist who was said to have a cure for HIV/AIDS but was murdered in cold blood mysteriously a couple of years ago in Ghana.

The fact that there is no known disease on earth that do not have a cure should convince every Tom Dick, and Harry that HIV/AIDS at all cost should have a cure and within the reach of those who care enough to determine what their status is and go for the cure to enable them continue with their normal lives. According to Dr. Amoakoh, the Chinese have succeeded in curing almost every known deadly disease with herbs and it is about time the world, especially the western world comes to terms with the fact that it is the turn of the African continent and her people with their numerous natural resources to take the center stage in traditional and herbal preparation for the cure of various deadly diseases including HIV/AIDS.

He said, this problem has come as a result of the policy makers and science and technology that consistently discourage or gives little recognition to the local and traditional medicine.

Beside, the Sun's indepent investigations into why African leaders and the authorities did not want to hear about Aids cure has left much to be desired. It seem some people have turned the unfortunate situation to line their pockets. Details soon!!!

Source: Sun