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I'll do secular songs & still establish church – Ofori of Antwi ne Antwi

Ofori Antwi Ne Antwi Evangelist Ofori of Antwi ne Antwi fame

Tue, 31 May 2016 Source: vibesin5.com

At least Ofori Amponsah after venturing into gospel music as a prophet decided to go back to his first love thus secular music.

It was obvious Christians didn’t accept him as one of their own hence the come back though he is still a prophet.

This is becoming the order of the day as Ofori Antwi of Antwi ne Antwi has also decided to toe the same line.

He also decided to do gospel after releasing secular hit songs with the Antwi ne Antwi brand. He however, stated that the gospel fraternity never gave him that acceptance which made him go through several challenges as an artist.

In an interview with the host of AM Pluzz – Sammy Flex, Evangelist Ofori Antwi made it clear that this time around he is going to do secular songs and still establish a church as an evangelist. When he was asked why, he boldly stated that there was nothing wrong with doing secular songs as an evangelist and that, it is dependent on the kind of relationship one has with God and not the kind of songs he does.

According to him, when he was a secular artist together with his brother of Antwi ne Antwi, they had gifts, money from friends and fans especially for loving their songs. But said when he turned a gospel musician all those things never came again.

Evangelist Ofori Antwi of Antwi ne Antwi fame is now poised for action as he prepares to bring out secular songs regardless of the content and still mount the pulpit to win souls for Christ.

Source: vibesin5.com