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I’m afraid to die – Zeal of VVIP

Zeal Vvip1 Zeal

Tue, 8 Nov 2016 Source: zionfelix.net

It is written in the Holy Bible that “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that.” but Zeal of VVIP music group says he does not want to die.

The singer speaking to MzGee on Hitz FM disclosed that death is his greatest fear on this planet.

He told the TV and radio presenter that it is his wish to live on this planet forever but it is unfortunate that God cannot grant him that desire.

Zeal noted that he believes he will die one day but he wants to achieve a lot of things before his death. The member of VVIP continued that he wants to live a legacy, which will be used to remember him when he is no longer alive.

“I don’t want to die. I want to stay alive for a long time. Everybody wants to be in Heaven but we are all afraid of death. That (death) is the only way to go through before getting to heaven.

I’m trying to do everything right before I leave. I want to make sure I live a legacy on this planet that people will remember me with when I’m gone. I’m still working on those things.” Zeal told MzGee.

Talking about his greatest achievement as a musician, he said “being able to put smiles on people’s face and inspire others is my greatest achievement.”

Source: zionfelix.net