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I’m ready to lead Kwabena Kwabena's legal team over Kontihene drug allegations – Ampaw

Kontihene Maurice Ampaw And Kwabena Kwabena 850x560 Kontihene, Kwabena Kwabena and Lawyer Maurice Ampaw

Sun, 12 Jul 2020 Source: zionfelix.net

Popular Ghanaian legal practitioner, Maurice Ampaw has disclosed his readiness to lead Kwabena Kwabena’s legal team to file a suit against Kontihene.

A few days ago, Kwabena Kwabena threatened to sue Kontihene over an allegation he made that he [Kwabena Kwabena] is into drugs.

The statement infuriated the Ghanaian highlife musician and he vowed not to let go of the issue since Kontihene has been making defamatory statements about him for some time now.

When his legal brain was sought for in an interview monitored by Zionfelix.net on Accra FM, Lawyer Maurice Ampaw told Nana Romeo that Kontihene would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the evidence he had before making such a statement when he is finally sued.

He elaborated that Kontihene can tender in an application at the court asking of a blood test to be conducted to prove whether Kwabena Kwabena smokes or not.

Lawyer Ampaw said the accuser needed to have evidence before making the statement and not after he has been threatened of a suit.

According to him, not all smoking is against the law so he needs to prove that Kwabena Kwabena smokes marijuana or any substance that is not permissible by law.

He stated that Kwabena Kwabena shouldn’t do any blood test to prove Kontihene wrong, but he should sue him for him to struggle in defending himself.

When he was asked if he is available to be the lead counsel for Kwabena Kwabena, Lawyer Maurice Ampaw answered affirmatively.

He further stated that one of the very vital points is for Kwabena Kwabena to tell him the truth on whether he had smoked before, still smokes or has quit smoking.

The ‘Celebrity Lawyer’ emphasized that there is no way Kontihene will win this case if Kwabena Kwabena decides to sue him because he needs physical evidence to defend his claims—and he cannot force Kwabena Kwabena to do a blood test.

It appears we will have an interesting legal tussle should Kwabena Kwabena walks his talk to sue Kontihene.

Source: zionfelix.net