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JAK & JJ should submit to drug test -Mayor

In a latest twist to the on-going "NDC/NPP Cocaine War of Words", CPP activist and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate turned 2004 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, who says that he does (NOT) smoke; does (NOT) drink, except Socially at a Party or Events and has (NEVER) seen Cocaine or Narcotics before throughout his entire life, has [publicly] stated his readiness to be subjected into drug test any second, any minute, or any hour of the day --- politely inviting His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kufuor and former President, Jerry John Rawlings to do the same, in order to send strong signals to the Nation, especially the Youth to say "NO" to drugs and also, to send strong signals to drug barons and peddlers that honest Politicians in the Nation will (NOT) allow the peaceful and hospitable people of Ghana, especially her precious Youth, to be infested with drugs by "Narcotics Terrorists" !!!.

"Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, (popularly known by Ghanaian Communities around the World as Kwame Mayor), has meanwhile, gone on a "Political Rampage" over the [alleged] "NDC-NPP Cocaine Scandal" - complaining that "Drug-Infested Campaign Financing, [allegedly] being practised by a [few] elements in the NDC-NPP Political Camps", seriously undermines the political chances of a "Role Model, Disciplined and (Drug-Free) CONVENTION PEOPLE'S PARTY (CPP)", since the CPP, the first Political Party to rule Ghana, after Independence, which has been (ABSOLUTELY CLEAN OF COCAINE OR ANY NARCOTICS ACTIVITIES, since the days of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah), is being subdued politically by "NDC-NPP COCAINE POWER" !!!, - an influence similar to General I.K. Acheampong's so-called "BOTTOM POWER" - a "tool of undue political influence" of which the former Head of State & Co, were hastily executed unjustly and illegally, in a hypocritical act which has become a "RECYCLED POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC CRIME" !!!.

The first Ghanaian born to symbolically run for Mayor of Los Angeles and the first indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the history of America who has vowed to invite Prominent African and Black Leaders such as the legendary Nelson Mandela, Senator Edward Kennedy, United States Representative, Hon.Maxine Waters; Congresswoman Dianne Watson, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Hon. Grantland Johnson - (Secretary of Health, State of California under Governor Gray Davis); Members of the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus; Members of U.S. Hispanic Caucuses, and other Prominent Minority Political and Religious Leaders, as well as white Liberals and white Conservatives such as U.S. Rep, Dianne Feinstein, U.S. Rep, Barbara Boxer, etc; leaders from both Jewish and Muslim Communities; Hispanic, Asian, American Indian Communities, etc, - to Ghana to [help] UNRAVEL why Cocaine is being pushed within Black, White; Minorities' Communities; and now, African Countries, such as Ghana, - (thus endangering the lives of black people and also, the lives of our brothers and sisters from other Races and Religions), says his heart still bleeds profusely and his eyes are filled with uncontrollable downpour of tears as [INNOCENT] Ghanaian Children have been exposed to the on-going News of "Cocaine Scandal" in the Country - a nightmarish experience which the Politician describes as "Narcotic Terrorism" !!!.

The CPP activist, who says with [100% Truth] and "Nothing but the truth" that, he has (NEVER) seen Cocaine before in his entire life and does (NOT) smoke, does (NOT) drink, does (NOT) engage in *(UN-PROTECTED)* Sex - [but admits that he makes [NATURAL LOVE] only to a God-Fearing, Intelligent, Sophisticated and Gorgeous Lady who is Blessed with the "Civility of Traditional Family Values"], hinted that his Courage in fighting back against injustices perpetuated by [ANY] "Gigantic Persecuting Institution(s)" or [any] Powerful yet, Unjust Government(s), stems from the fact that he has tried his utmost best to always live a Righteous Life - although he admits that he is fallible as any human being on Earth !!!.

" The Mandelas, Dr. Martin Luther Kings, John F. Kennedys, Mahatma Gandhis, etc, knew the strength of their Moral Power, hence their "Fearlessness in Fighting Back" against "Persecuting Goliaths", said the Politician who is drawing enormous Political following from all Political Angles, and refutes false and un-substantiated allegations that he has become a "Political Cult Leader", as his mere voice on Local Radios, especially in "Oseikrom" Kumasi and National News about him draws throngs of excited youth, students, men and women; weak and old, rich and poor, etc, to listen to his treasured "Words of Wisdom" and is always mobbed by uncontrollable crowd, especially in his well developed Constituency of Nhyiaeso, since his 2004 "Titanic Political Battle" with the NPP's "Political Dinosaur" - Dr. Richard Anane, Minister of Road Transport.

The CPP activist says that [despite] his "Justified, Moral and Ethical Differences" with the ruling government headed by His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kufuor, he "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor still has faith in His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kufuor - (in terms of His Excellency, President Kufuor's determination to stamp out the scourge of Cocaine trafficking into a Country of Peaceful, Law-abiding, Hospitable and "Brave People" of Ghana.

"Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor defended His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kufuor's recent "Boom Speech" on the "Cocaine Scandal" in which the President expressed [concern] about drugs being trafficked into Ghana, but the "POCKET LAWYER" reminded the President that in advanced Democracies, a person is presumed to be innocent, [until] proven guilty by an [IMPARTIAL JURY] in a Court of Law" !!!.

"AMERICA'S MANDELA" (as Minorities in America once called the first Ghanaian born to [symbolically] run for Mayor of Los Angeles in 1993 and [perhaps], the first indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the history of America, [after his Political Ordeals in Los Angeles]) - the Charismatic Politician known for his "MUHAMMAD ALI'S STYLE OF POLITICS" - claiming to be the "GREATEST POLITICIAN OF ALL TIMES" and insisting that "Only Boxing Legend, Muhammad Ali, in the entire World has a much Prettier Face than his, says his greatest concern in the ongoing "Cocaine Scandal" in Ghana is the sad fact that Children may be exposed to the news of Cocaine business and "what future are we creating for these innocent God's Children", he asked. ?

" I did [NOT] hear about narcotics when I was growing up and all my life, even as I communicate (today), I have *(NEVER)* seen cocaine before and cannot describe it and that is why I am a "Genuine Role Model to the Youth and the entire Populace", said "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng.

" I am proud that the CPP, the Party of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, is *(NOT)* tainted with "Drugs Scandal", said the self proclaimed "Real Intellectual Re-Incarnation of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, who has [not] hidden his noble political ambition and *[aspires]* to become President of Ghana someday, (through the Ballot Box) and contribute in building [Permanent Infrastructures] of "AMERICAN-STYLE" - (Multi-Party Democracy, Freedom, Liberty; Justice and Equality for all.

The self proclaimed "Greatest Politician of all times" - whose political punches "sting like a bunch of bees", and whose political weight "flies like a butterfly", and moreover, whose Strategic or Creative Ideas have become Monumental in Ghana, praised the Minister of National Security, Hon. Francis Poku, for doing the moral and ethical thing of speaking the truth, that large quaqntities of narcotics are being trafficked into Ghana, as reported in Ghana's News Media !!!.

" Telling the truth about the [scourge] of narcotics in Ghana and the need to combat "Narcotics Terrorism" is in the Nation's best interest and also, the best interest of a Safe, Secured, Healthy and Peaceful World, than trying to cover the menace, under the guise of protecting the "Image of Ghana", the CPP activist, Human Rights Crusader and Civil Rights Leader in his own right, told Ghanaians around the World.

" As Moral and Ethical People, we always have a responsibility to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and must (never) cover up illegal things - under the pretext of protecting a "Nation's Image", to the *[detriment]* of endangering the lives of Black Youth: Ghanaian Youth; African-American Youth; White Youth, Latino Youth, Asian Youth, or *(ANY)* Youth in the World, through the [abormination of narcotics], and that is why I applaud Ghana's Minister of National Security for doing the "[Right Thing]" by sounding genuine alarm about the menace of drugs being trafficked into Ghana", said the Pro-American; U.S. educated - University of Southern California (USC) alumnus, "Osagyefo" Kwame Boateng, "Kwame Mayor".

Source: mayor speaks" and "good morning ghana" ([email protected])