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Kojo Antwi thrills Holland amidst riots at gates


Mon, 21 Apr 2003 Source: Sankofa Television, Amsterdam NL

Thousands of people from all walks of life throughout Europe thronged the 2000 capacity sports complex in the Bijlmer - a suburb in the Southeast of Amsterdam last Saturday 19 April to watch Superstar Kojo Antwi perform during a benefit concert.

The organizers underestimated the expected turn up leading to several unrests at the gates.

People had come as far as from France, Germany, UK, Belgium and even Denmark! Kojo Antwi is not new to Holland as he has performed on several occasions to mainly Dutch fans. This performance was exceptional because it was the first for 'his own '.

The benefit concert in aid of Kwahu Government Hospital - Atibie was organized by the Kwahuman Association of The Netherlands and attracted an estimated 7500 people. A 10-minute documentary by Sankofa Television on the state of affairs at the hospital was shown.

In attendance was Ghana's Ambassador to The Netherlands, Dr. Grace Amponsah Ababio, distinguished persons and Ghana's music legendary Nana Kwame Ampadu I who opened the concert with his famous 'asase aban yenti gyae' music.

Backing Evangelist Kwame Ampadu on stage was Obiabaayewaa Afua Ampofoa & Nana Poku of 'odo kasa me' fame.

An appeal for fund and a raffle draw on the program landed in the bin due to the intense riots at the gates. With the hall already filled up and exceeding its capacity with an excess of 500, an estimated 5000 people outside struggled to enter.

Fights broke out between the crowd outside and security (mostly Surinamese) who were accused of being very rude, arrogant & impatient. Our reporters outside witnessed women and some non-Ghanaians mostly Dutch dressed in typical African clothes been dragged and molested by the security.

A popular radio figure was also beaten up by at least 6 security men.

Another person's finger was completely chopped off when a security slammed a door apparently to prevent him from entering.

The suburb police called in could not control the situation and had to order riot police who thronged with horses to push the already brutalized and disappointed crowd away.

Some complained bitterly swearing to avenge their anger at the organizers and ticket sales points for refund.

Others who had purchased tickets in advance had little choice than to wait in the chilling cold of 4 degrees Celsius for 4 hours -whiles the show was in progress- or go back home.

Kojo Antwi on stage thrilled the tight packed crowd to 'good doses of music'.

Maybe next time it will be a good idea to hire a bigger hall and have a friendlier security.

Maybe Kojo should come back soon to satisfy those who couldn't make it.

The precedent by Kwahuman Association will encourage other ethnic based groups to gear their activities towards development projects in Ghana.

With such a high turnout, it is expected that the organizers can generate excessive profit to satisfy the objective of this concert - Kwahu Govt. Hospital!

Sankofa Television, a Ghanaian TV based in Amsterdam covered the event

Source: Sankofa Television, Amsterdam NL