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Kwame Mayor to die for Tsastu Tsikata

Sun, 6 Jul 2008 Source: Che Mashinini, Special Correspondent to Uhuru Times

Politician tells government : "Give Tsastu Tsikata Freedom (OR) Give Me, Kwame Mayor Death"

As former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, (popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as Kwame Mayor) braces to surrender to Ghanaian Authorities to serve jail term on behalf of Mr. Tsastu Tsikata, a former Chief Executive Officer of Ghana National Petroleum Corporation, the Politician has publicly told the government : "Give Tsastu Tsikata Freedom (OR) Give Me, Kwame Mayor Death", as he again criticised the government for making scape goat out of (Tsastu) - a defenseless Civilian, whilst the ruling President Kufuor's government is too afraid to bring former Military Junta Leader Flight Lieutenant (Retired) Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan who are still enjoying their National booty after committing heinous political crimes, to face Justice.

The Great Grandson of Asante Adonteng Puduo Royals from Bamang, near the famouse Kente weaving Town of Bonwire in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, whose very biological ancestors - the historical and legitimate occupants of Kumasi Adontenghene Chieftaincy Stool, gallantly led Asante wars against Colonialism and Imperialism perpetuated by "Our White Brothers and Sisters from England", appealed to His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kufuor to "Tamper Justice with Mercy" by issuing a Presidential Pardon for Mr. (Tsastu) Tsikata before this year's Presidential election takes place, announcing that he has formed "Free Tsastu Tsikata - Abroad Coalition" to seek freedom for the defenseless Civilian and to demonstrate to President Kufuor who "selfishly and greedily accepted a position from Rawlings' PNDC Military government", the true meaning of National Reconciliation !!!.

The Iconic Freedom Fighter and Legendary Human Rights and Civil Rights Crusader has meanwhile, praised Justice Ms. Henrietta Abban as an outstanding, scholarly and impartial Judge on his popular Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com - (noting that at least, Justice Henrietta Abban did [not] recommend Mr. Tsastu Tsikata to be executed by the State, a cruel and un-usual punishment which former Military Junta Leader, Jerry John Rawlings; Major (Retired) Boakye Djan and Captain (Retired) Kojo Tsikata heartlessly employed against their victims who were tried in Kangaroo Courts and later, savagely executed.

The Populist Politician accused President Kufuor's government for "Political and Intellectual Cowardice" by failing to publicly come out and accept his public offer to serve jail term for Mr. Tsastu Tsikata.

" I am ready to surrender myself to Ghana's Police Headquaters, or to Ghana's Embassy in Washington, D.C. to begin the jail sentence for Mr. Tsastu Tsikata, and all that I am waiting for is a public invitation announced by President John Agyekum; the Presiding Judge of Mr. Tsastu Tsikata's trial or by the Chief Justice of Ghana, that such arrangement is acceptable".

" I should be allowed the right to choose to serve the jail term for Mr. Tsastu Tsikata", said the Politician who has announced that he is ready to go to International Court, if necessary, to exercise such right.

" I want to serve the jail term for Mr. Tsastu Tsikata on condition that he is immediately released from jail and instead, former Military Junta Leader, Jerry John Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan are put in jail, (at least temporary, before being pardoned), said "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah, alias (Kwame Mayor).

However, the "Politician of the People, by the People and for the People" again cautioned the Nation that : "It's better to forgive than to revenge, and that an eye for an eye would make Ghana blind, and a tooth for a tooth would leave Ghana toothless".

The Politician added another condition - (the right to receive conjugal visits from his girl friend(s) - if he begins his "Good Samaritan Jail Term") - and the World's famouse Political and Royal Bachelor, who plans to marry this year to an extraordinary intelligent, gorgeous and God-Fearing Lady, said - "Just as the Legendary Nelson Mandela suffered to unite his Country, I am equally prepared to unite Ghana through Fair and Just Politics".

Once again, turning to the National Award, the aspiring future President served notice that he would abolish any National award (specifically designed for a sitting President), should he become a democratically elected President of Ghana - describing such an award as " Emperor Bokassa's Model Award", and describing President John Agyekum Kufuor, as the "Last Great Emperor of Gold Coast Ghana" - apparently, likening President Kufuor's intoxication with power to Emperor Bokassa's political antics.

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, known in his High School days at Great Koss as "J.P.K---the Political Advisor", condemned the action of President John Agyekum Kufuor's government for nominating people accused of committing heinous political murders in the Country such as Captain (Retired) Kojo Tsikata, dubbed the ("Angel of Death") for National award, and in what can be described as political sarcaism, the Abroad's President again, asked President Kufuor to also honor all members of the erstwhile Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC), especially Major (Retired) Boakye Djan for committing serious Human Rights abuses - since the ruling government has symbolically sent wrong signals to Ghanaians and the International Community that if you kill for politically motivated reasons in Ghana, as former Military Junta Leader Jerry John Rawlings did during AFRC and PNDC days, President Kufuor would reward you someday with one of the Nation's Highest awards.

" Let me remind you, the Political Murderers in Ghana like Jerry John Rawlings, Boakye Djan, and Kojo Tsikata - the fate of Saddam Hussein and those who committed Human Rights abuses with him", said the "Politician of the People, by the People and for the People" who says that (as far as Africa is concerned), President George Bush, a Texas Cowboy, has made the World a better place to live, even though he, (Kwame Mayor) is opposed to all wars - urging the Bush Administration and the United Nations to condemn President Kufuour's government for nominating political murderers for National Awards which he described as a "misguided incentive for political murderers".

IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT, The Marverick Pan-Africanist and CPP Democracy Activist, alarmed that Pro-Kufuor's forces within the NPP have not extended a welcome hand to his Olive Branch, and to his public overtures of forging a "Symbolic Democratic Alliance" with the NPP to prevent the return of Rawlings' third attempt to return to power, has announced on his popular Political Campaign Website : WWW. KwameforPresident.Com that he has forgiven 2008 CPP Flagbearer, Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom for un-ethically, illegally and un-conscionably asking Ghanaians to vote for President Kufuor during the 2004 Presidential Election - (instead of supporting the 2004 CPP Flagbearer, Mr. George Aggudey).

Regarding allegations of serious fraud surrounding the CPP Flagbearer, the "Pocket Lawyer" says that since Dr. Nduom has not been charged in a Court of Law, he is entitled to his innocence and should not be forced to step down as the elected CPP Flagbearer.

Hinting of another reason why he is publicly forgiving the CPP Flagbearer, "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor said :

"Let God be the perfect Judge. I have done everything I can to seek a (Symbolic Democratic Alliance) with NPP for the sake of preventing a third coming of former Military Junta Leader Jerry John Rawlings" - Yet, the Pro-Kufuor forces within the NPP who are still intoxicated with power and consumed with brutal hate, arrogance, selfishness and greediness like President Kufuor himself, have not had the simple courtesy to respond to my Olive Branch of Peace and Reconciliation, and especially to my proposal for a "Symbolic Democratic Alliance", said the "People's Politician" who speaks the truth and nothing but the truth !!!.

"Instead of NPP courting CPP for a Democratic Alliance for the sake of preventing the return of former Military Junta Leader Jerry John Rawlings, the Pro-Kufuor forces within the Party are so intoxicated with power, greediness and selfishness that they are not being rational, (and only God Almighty knows whether such pro-Kufuor's elements within the NPP have already poisoned the minds of Nana Akufo-Addo and members of his Presidential Campaign Committee against me - just because there is no Power on Earth that can corrupt my Moral Principles, and that I am a Fearless Independent Thinker who speaks the truth and nothing but the truth !!!"), said the Charismatic Politician who has accused his detractors and government insiders who have systematically stolen his ideas as "Intellectual Cowards !!!".

"Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, known in his High school days at Great Koss as (J.P.K - the Political Advisor) warned that unless NPP and CPP again form "Great Alliance", Jerry John Rawlings could return to power for a third time since in reality, "Divided We Fall" !!!.

"Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor warned Ghanaians that Mr. Rawlings is campaigning for their votes "in order to kill you one by one", since he (Rawlings and Boakye Djan) have demonstrated in the past their expertise in executing former Heads of State.

The former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, a strong defender of Democratic ideals, who has praised President George Bush as a "Texas Cowboy who has made the World a better place to live" - (in terms of scarring the hell of African Dictators and would-be Dictators), once again assured Ghanaians that he would do everything - by any means necessary to ensure that "Government of the People, by the People and for the People will never perish in Ghana".


>>> (Signed for Release : The Office of "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, (KWAME MAYOR)

>>> Telephone (562) 428-3727 and (310) 740-3132 - USA

>>> Email : [email protected]

>>> *[WEBSITE]*: WWW.KwameforPresident.Com


Source: Che Mashinini, Special Correspondent to Uhuru Times