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‘Lover Boy’ Kennedy Agyapong Jealous

Wed, 3 Dec 2014 Source: The Catalyst Newspaper

Over Cocaine Ruby

…Drags Ibrahim Mahama In, Says Sam George

An interesting twist to the Cocaine Ruby saga came up last Friday, when Mr Sam George Nartey said that Kennedy Agyapong’s verbal assaults on Mr Ibrahim Mahama since news broke about the arrest of Nayele Ametefe, alias Ruby Gyamfi, in the United Kingdom for drug trafficking, is purely vituperations of an aggrieved jealous love seeker against an innocent man he presumes to be his rival.

According to Mr Nartey, who is a member of the Communications Team of the John Mahama-led National Democratic Congress (NDC) government, the NPP Member of Parliament (MP) feels that he has a bone to pick with the President’s brother over the busted lady with regards to a failed attempt by his (Ken) to make Ruby his girlfriend with suspicions that Mr Ibrahim Mahama is responsible for his predicament.

Sam George alleged on Asempa FM’s Eko Sii Sen programme that Kennedy Agyapong’s hatred for Mr Ibrahim Mahama derives from the fact that Ruby, now referred to by some as Cocaine Ruby, sometime ago turned down the NPP MP’s love proposal and told him frankly that he did not meet her taste in her choice of a boyfriend since he falls below her standard and that her ideal type of man is the Mr Ibrahim Mahama, indicating clearly that she would have accepted the proposal if it had come from the President’s brother.

According to him, even though this happened without Mr Mahama’s knowledge, Kennedy Agyapong holds a grudge against him as a result.

Ruby’s snub, he said, has angered Kennedy Agyapong so much that it has caused him to be filled with a morbid thought of hatred for the innocent business mogul, who has no relationship with Ruby.

Kennedy Agyapong went characteristically wild with vituperations against Mr Ibrahim Mahama after Ruby’s arrest at Heathrow Airport with 12.5kg of cocaine, as he made attempts to link him (Ibrahim) to the failed cocaine deal.

The maverick mouth-shooting NPP MP expressed contentment when Ruby was arrested, and did not mince words in taking Mr Ibrahim Mahama to the cleaners. He alleged that Ruby is Ibrahim Mahama’s girlfriend and that he has pictures to show as proof of his allegation. He further claimed that the lady had access to the VVIP Lounge at the Kotoka International Airport because of her relationship with the President’s brother.

It has however been long been established that Ruby and her two other cocaine girls used the VIP Lounge and not the VVIP Lounge as speculated by the NPP and its allies.

Kennedy Agyapong also claimed that Ruby’s arrest has gladdened the hearts of drug kingpins in Ghana because the drug lords consider Ruby as disrespectful.

But Sam George said the NPP MP’s claims are part of the deliberate lies emanating from the lying chamber of the opposition party that the President’s brother had a hand in the failed attempt by Nayele and her accomplices to traffic cocaine into the United Kingdom (UK), something Kennedy Agyapong thought he could use in seeking revenge on him since Ruby cited him as her standard for rejecting his (Ken’s) love proposal.

Touching on Kennedy Agyapong’s claim that he has pictures of Mr Mahama and Ruby which he would make public, Sam George has thrown a challenge to the NPP MP, who he has described as a loose cannon, to publish the so-called pictures, stressing that he only sees Ruby’s current predicament as a good opportunity to stage his revenge on Ibrahim Mahama for his failed attempt to woo Ruby’s heart, something the President’s brother knows nothing about.

Kennedy Agyapong who called into the programme did not mention anything about Sam George’s allegation that his love proposal was turned down by Cocaine Ruby in the past, even though he spoke at length about her own sister and her husband’s involvement in drugs among other things.

Source: The Catalyst Newspaper