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Michael Adangba now Akwadaa Nyame?

Au Michael Adangba

Thu, 7 Aug 2014 Source: Eben Narh Affum/ Flex Newspaper

In Ghana's music industry, Michael Adangba is one artiste who has been noted for composing songs for the ruling NDC party anytime there is an impending Presidential Election or when the need arises.

Michael Adangba has been the major composer of theme songs for the NDC campaigns for some time now, and he has been well noted for that. However, in view of the current economic hardships experienced by Ghana, a new song has been released which seem to have taken me aback.

The song is titled 'Holy Ghost fire' and the lyrics of the song gives unflinching support to John Mahama even though the country is experiencing economic hardship.

It's strange that in the wake of all the hardships experienced by Ghanaians, an artiste would compose and release a song in support of the government as if everything is going on well in the country, but that is his democratic right.

The only unfortunate thing about the song is the fact that, after listening to the song, it becomes very clear that the song was sung by Michael Adangba even though the general public is expected to believe that the song was composed by an artiste called Akwadaa Nyame.

Has Michael Adangba rebranded himself and now prefers to be called Akwadaa Nyame? If the song indeed is not coming from Michael Adangba, then he should come out and clear the air on that.

I also expect the so-called Akwadaa Nyame also to come out and let Ghanaians see him. However, if it is Michael Adangba who now wants to disguise himself using the name Akwadaa Nyame, then it raises so many questions. Does he really believe in the things he says in the song?

Michael Adangba sang the theme song for the ruling party National Democratic Congress (NDC) during the 2012 general elctions titled 'mystery behind the Letter J'.

Other songs includes 'Taka tika' and to set the records straight, apart from composing songs for the NDC, I must emphasize that he is a fantastic songwriter.

Michael Adangba isn't the only artiste who composes songs for or against political parties in the country and names like Barima Sidney, A-Pluz and Lucky Mensah readily come to mind.

It's the democratic right of any artiste to sing for or against any political party and as such any artiste who decides to do so should not be victimized in any way.

Be it Akwadaa Nyame or not, Ghanaians are smart people and cannot be deceived.

Every Ghanaian should try as much as possible to get and listen to the song and afterwards judge whether its Michael Adangba's song or Akwadaa Nyame's song as Ghanaians are made to believe.

I rest my case.

Source: Eben Narh Affum/ Flex Newspaper