









Mizani, New Jersey's New Music Star who loves Ghana


Thu, 3 Jul 2008 Source: --

While growing up as a child in the mid 80's, I was doused with an array of different cultures. When I was a girl, I had a babysitter who was from Guyana, a South American country which has similar cultures like West Indians. Her name was Hazel and she nurtured me while my mother worked long hours. I loved her so much for caring for me around the clock until my mother would come and get me. There were many West Indians who were also my neighbors.

My mother and I moved quite a bit. I was born in Killeen, Texas, U.S.A. on an Army base where my mother, Jenette, was stationed. We then moved throughout the south until we landed in New Jersey, then to New York , and finally to a predominantly Ghanaian neighborhood in Newark, New Jersey. I became friends with the little Ghanaian girls in the neighborhood. They were so nice to me and their parents embraced me as their own daughter. That was when I learned to eat PEPPER! WOW! It was so hot, my eyes watered and my tongue burned. I drank so much water. But it excited me! I learned to swallow fufu and all that good stuff! Personally, I love to chew it a little bit before swallowing it (don't laugh!). It tastes a bit like mashed potatoes.

I was impressed with the way my friends' parents cared for me and took me as their own child. I loved their music and the garments they wore- they looked like Kings & Queens. They carried themselves with such presence, as though they were so wealthy in spirit! I admired that so much.

Years passed and I had the opportunity to go to Ghana!!!!!! I was so excited and nervous at the same time. I didn't know what to expect. When I touched the soil of the motherland, I instantly felt healed!!!! It was as if angels were surrounding me! I couldn't stop smiling… I was SOOOO happy! Wow ! I couldn't wait to get out of the airport and see the sights.

After a week, I began to feel my body purifying!! My skin started to clear up! I didn't have to wear any makeup to cover my skin. I lost weight! I felt so energetic. I said to myself , 'What is happening to me? I am becoming like a young girl again!' Being in Ghana changed my life. I suddenly knew that this is what God wanted for me and where he wanted me to be. If it weren't the case, I wouldn't have made it to Ghana. None of it would have been possible.

As a young girl, I loved to sing! I did a lot of shows and competitions and such! Any time I had the opportunity to sing, I would do it. I was trained with classical music in school. After I left school, I felt there was no outlet where I could sing again and had not opened my mouth for a long time. I mean, I would play around but nothing serious, until now! I felt that I could use the talent God gave me to possibly help people or put a smile on someone's face. That is what drove me to write and sing the songs. Nothing in the world would be more gratifying than to see my work/talents be embraced by the same people who helped to raise me, their AMERICAN SWEETIE! I want to give back and God willing, that is what I plan to do.

My first song, called "Allstar Pride Dance" is dedicated to my African brothers and sisters, first and foremost. What really inspired to do this song was when I came back from Ghana for the first time, I missed it so much, I was compelled to do a song about it. It is about daily life and people emanating their daily life through this song. Within the song, there is a dance called "Waive your flag" (just meaning being proud of your country and what it stands for). "Pound de FuFu" and "Stir de Soup" is about the traditional food eaten by my African people and how they make it. Fufu with Soup is one of the best dishes in the world! "Wash Ur Body" is about using the bucket of water and a bowl to take a bath! Very effective!!! This dance emanates the movements of it all. There are other dances in the song as well, like the "Score de Goal" dance. It is about Soccer (football), which is a national sport. I thought why not make a dance out of all these traditions! It is an everyday way of life, you know. Hopefully, I would love for people to hear it all over the world and get an understanding of different cultures. This song was collaborated with Samini, formerly known as Batman. He knew exactly what I was thinking when he did his hook! He is a great guy and a man of integrity. He believes in culture and being proud of what we stand for as African brothers and sisters.

My Ghanaian idols are Reggie Rockstone, Samini, Tic Tac, Castro, Mzbel, VIP, and there are more that I love a lot. They have given me inspiration and drive as well. I really appreciate their music.

My second journey to Ghana was to do my video for the "Allstar Pride Dance". I went through a rough road but God made everything possible to get it done. It was so important for me to do this song in Africa due to the fact that there is a great stigma in America about African people in general. I want people to understand that we are all the same. I felt at home when I went to Ghana and to me, it is now my second home. It is just totally unbelievable how people treat one another like brothers and sisters in Ghana. We could learn a few things in the U.S. about brotherly/sisterly love. I think it is a wonderful thing.

I would like to give special thanks to Mr. CNN, my manager, for helping me through my whole journey. "You are truly a blessing to me and you made this all possible for me".

Mom (Jenette Thomas)!!!!! You are the Bomb! Thanks for your love, support and finances (smile).

Portia Asare Boateng (my Sweet African Sister) - "You have helped me make the impossible happen. You are more than a Diva, you are absolutely incredible! "

Samini (My Brother), "Thank you sooooooooooo much for believing in me and thank you for being real. You helped to make this song HOT!!!!!!"

Nana (Club Groove Control) Thank you for extending your club to me and being such a Great Guy!

Kaywa Entertainment (David and Jazzie), "Hey guys, thanks for the Hot Beat!!!! I look forward to working with you soon.

2Ga, Pepsi, Filanzy Thanks for your support!

Hey, X-Jaquar! "You are the man. Thank you for making my video Hot! I look forward to working with you very soon."

Home Plus! Thanks again.

DJ Sam Q (Chicago) Thank you for working with me on the song. You are a great guy.

Jenjer! Girl you know you are my sister til death! Thank you for coming all the way to Ghana with me and making it happen.

Phoenix, Big Sis, thank you for your love and support always. Thank you for always believing in me.

E&T Entertainment: Eric and Terry…Thanks for extending your support to me. Luv you guys. Most of all… Thank you Father God!! You Run Things!!!!

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