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Nation's Armed Robbers Linked To Terrorist Networks

Mon, 8 Jan 2007 Source: "GOOD MORNING GHANA (and) "MAYOR SPEAKS"

A former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate has publicly accused the Nation's Armed Robbers of ties to Terrorist Networks - pleading with the ruling Kuffuor's government to (immediately) invite Ethiopian, United Nations and United States'

Troops (Marines) to chase (Armed Robbers) out from the Country in order to allow Peace-Loving Ghanaians the opportunity to live in a Peaceful and Secured environment !!!.

"Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", - the Politician with a long history of dating Ethiopian and Eritrean Beauty Queens (The Daughters of the Legendary Queen of Sheba) who are as Beautiful, Intelligent and Polite as Ghanaian Beauty Queens and [all] African and Beauty Queens around the World (regardless of Race or Color), said both Ethiopia and Eritrea are his "Pan-Africanist Allies" and should (UNITE) to fight the threats of Global Terrorism - including Terrorism committed by Armed Robbers.

" Armed Robbers will run away from Ghana when I become President someday through the Ballot Box. Armed Robbers will flee Ghana even before I complete the "Swearing-In Ceremony" to assume the office of the Presidency", said the Politician who says Ghana needs a Strong Democratic - Oriented Leader and a true Believer of Personal Freedom, Liberty, Human Rights and Civil Rights - Yet, Strong enough to Stand Up to Terrorists and Enemies of Democracy !!!".

" If these Armed Robbers are not chased out immediately, they would someday try to establish a "Taliban Environment" since those who gave them arms to terrorize Ghana have never believed in Multi-Party Democracy and neither have they ever believed in the noble values of Human Rights, Civil Rights, Freedom and Liberty", the first Ghanaian born to run for Mayor of Los Angeles and the first indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the history of America said, personally pleading with United States' President George Bush to give in-kind support to Ghana in terms of Police Helicopters, Police Vehicles, Police Armoured Cars and other necessary equipment to enable Ghana's Police Service to respond to Global Terrorism and Emergency Calls in less than five (5) Minutes as is done in the United States of America, to arrest Criminals especially "Terrorist Armed Robbers" !!!.

" I will (NOT) be a weak President like President John Agyekum Kuffuor, and (NEITHER) will I be a Ruthless Dictator like former President Jerry John Rawlings of AFRC and PNDC days and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan of the AFRC era - (The two Ghana's Saddam Husseins) who showed No Mercy to their Political enemies and executed the Brave Real Admiral Amedume and other Brave Generals, especially, Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwah Afrifa, whom the Cowards feared most . !!!

The only man in history or the only indigenous African to stand up MIGHTILY to a [few] Bullies of a Super Power - (Thanks to the support of Brave American People and the Civilized and Democratic Government of the United States of America and especially, Special Thanks to President Bill Clinton's White House which once ordered the Justice Department to investigate allegations of persecutions against the first Ghanaian born to run for Mayor of Los Angeles) - said Texas "Cow Boy", President George Bush has made the World a better place to live in by standing up to Terrorists, even though he prefers President Bill Clinton's style of Politics which also ensured Global Peace.

The former Ghanian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate described the cowardly "Enemies of America", the "Enemies of Freedom"; the "Enemies of Liberty" and the "Enemies of Equality" who put him on the Gruelsome two year infamous, Un-American and Politically-Motivated "Trial of the Century" during which he was tortured as a "[Few] Hi-Tech Talibans" who inflicted pain and suffering on me (without) the knowledge of the Civilized and Democratic Federal, State and Local Governments of United States of America and certainly, (without) the knowledge of the "Brave American People" who would have demonstrated Peacefully across America and moreover, (without) the knowledge of other Democratic and Civilized Governments and the "Equally Brave People" around the World who would have protested Globally in a Peaceful and Non-Violent manner !!! .

"The Political Terrorists operated with the [same] philosophy and cowardice like Global Terrorists", said the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate who is publicly pleading with the White House to condem those men of evil who terrorized him in the past, although by the Grace of God Almighty, those "Evil Men" were morally and ethically defeated and will forever be condemned by history" !!!.

In another development, the Catholic Politician who strongly opposes the death penalty and is a long critic of the "Machiavelli Politics" of [both] President John Agyekum Kuffuor and former President Jerry John Rawlings has publicly advised the the nation's top Political Leaders to take lessons from the "[Machiavelli Fate]" of former Iraq President, Saddam Hussein who abused public office to persecute his political opponents !!!.

" For what does it profit a Leader who utilizes Machiavelli and Stalisnic Philosophy to oppress his Political opponents in order to stay in power by any means necessary and in the end losses his own Soul", CPP activist and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, who claims to be the Nation's "Political Messiah" asked.

"President John Agyekum Kuffuor is a better Democrat than former President Jerry John Rawlings (but) former President Rawlings is more fair-minded than President Kuffuor, said the "People's Mayor".

" The Nation should [not] forget that under President Kuffor's administration - (with his direct knowledge), "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor was subjected into political persecution unprecedented in the history of modern Civilian Governments; denied every Civil Service position and teaching position in (government - controlled) University and Polytechnic institutions in Ghana - in an effort to subject him into "death by slow starvation", said the World's greatest victim of "Politically-Motivated Persecution", who, according to American bureaucrats, is more educated that 70 % of America's population .

"President John Agyekum kuffuor abused his powers to consistently snatched my strategic ideas and after taking advantage of my hard won published ideas, denied me of my basic rights !!!".

"President Kuffuor will kill you Spiritually and Emotionally while former President Rawlings will kill you (Physically, Spiritually and Emotionally !!!)", said the Politician who says that whereas President Kuffuor's men describe his criticisms as "Truthdful"; "Objective" and "Constructive", a few of Rawlings supporters, on the other hand, do not want Rawlings to be criticised at all.

"Both are President Kuffuor and former President Rawlings are [Disciples of Machiavelli], except that Mr. Kuffuor does not kill and former president Rawlings killed without mercy, exactly like Saddam", said the Civil Rights and Human Rights Icon in his own right.

" [In Fairness], Former President Jerry John Rawlings alone should (not) be made to bear 100% of the burden of the executions of the Generals and allow Major (Retired) Boakye Djan and the other "AFRC Terrorizing Gangs" to escape from ["Equal Blame"], said the Politician who says that whereas President Kuffuor's supporters respect and accept his Constructive Criticisms as "Balanced" and "Objective", a [FEW] supporters of former President Jerry John Rawlings' Camp do not want Rawlings to be criticised at all !!!.

"If I can be OBJECTIVE enough to criticise even my own King (FOR THE SAKE OF PROTECTING THE SACRED AND UN-BLEMISHED NAME OF THE GOLDEN STOOL !!!), what makes you think that I should not criticise Mr. Rawlings (whose hate speeches inciting Ghanaians against an Ethnic Group(s) clearly amounts to "[Potential] Ethnic-Cleansing" !!!) and what makes you think that I should not criticise Major (Retired) Boakye Djan who is known to be the main architect of Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwah Afrifa's unjust, illegal and cowardly execution just as the execution of Real Admiral Amedume and others were equally unjust, illegal and cowardly ?.

" I speak the truth and I will continue to speak the truth although the truth hurts !!!, said "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor.

" I am a World Citizen first before my Race and Color and I am a Pan-Africanist first before Ethnic or Tribal considerations".

" I have [constructively] criticised President John Agyekum Kuffuor despite the fact that the President and I are from the same Ethnic Group and Tribe, Asante. I pray that [ALL] Ghanaians will continue to be bold enough to put Ghana [first] before Political, Ethnic and Tribal affliliations", the "People's Mayor", who once called for more inter-marriages between Asantes and Ewes, Dagombas and Akans and more inter-marriages among [ALL] Ghanaian Ethnic and Tribal groups said.

" I fight for the Rights of {ALL] People and that is why I enjoy "[Real] People's Power", throughout Ghana (and) outside Ghana, said the Charismatic Politician.

Meanwhile, the Leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition has praised the late President Gerald Ford as the "Epitome of America's Democratic Civility" after such Great Presidents like President John F. Kennedy, et al and expressed regret that he could not attend his (President Ford's) funeral as he did during President Ronald Reagan's funeral.

"Let the World know that Ghanaians abroad were equally touched by the passing away of a legendary American President who opposed persecution of his own people and also opposed the persecution of people in the rest of the World Community" !!!, said the Politician formely known as "Kwame Mayor".