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OPINION: Too Many 'Miss GHANA'.

One can not fathom why, all of a sudden, we're getting so many 'Miss Ghanas' from different countries.Every now and then, we read about ladies coming down to present themselves as Miss Ghana UK,Miss Ghana US,Miss Ghana America etc.and they all come in to disseminate the same old message, 'Promoting Ghanaian culture and fostering unity among Ghanaians abroad'. Well heard and well received.

It's now becoming a natural phenomenon that any lady can fix a crown on her head, get two or three people around her and get down to Ghana and present herself as Miss Ghana this and Miss Ghana that, all in pursuit of fame and recognition.

Otherwise, how can we have Miss Ghana US, Miss Ghana America and then Miss Ghana New York at the same time. We shouldn't be amazed if in the coming weeks, we get Miss Ghana Chicago and Miss Ghana Japan. We in Ghana are still bemoaning the numerous beauty pageants and the resources being wasted on them, only to be bombarded with other pageants elsewhere. The most exasperating thing about all these is the audience given to these ladies by the media. They're being entertained on TV and on radio,with listeners being asked to call-in,to discuss what? It is most confounding to see the number of reputable companies that sponsor the touring of these ladies throughout the country.

I hear they will even get the opportunity to see and interact with the President, yeah,the President of the republic of Ghana, to waste his time to deliberate on God knows what. I'm not in anyway disputing the authenticity of these pageants, but they're just too many. I'm thinking that we can solve this by maybe organizing a grand event dubbed 'Miss Ghana World', to save us the nuisance and boredom.

Source: arnold asamoah-baidoo,university of cape coast.