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Thu, 29 Jun 2017 Source: yen.com.gh

Former Ghana International, Odartey Lamptey, has revealed that the only question he would love to ask his ex-wife, Gloria Lamptey, is what he did to deserve the treatment she meted out to him.

Odartey and Lamptey got married 21 years ago when he was a star football player and had three children. In 2013, however, a DNA examination he commissioned on the three kids proved that he was not their biological father.

In an interview on GHOne TV, Lamptey said he contemplated killing himself when he saw the DNA results. He said if he ever met Gloria again, he would ask what he did to deserve her infidelity.

“One thing that I would love to have the answer [Gloria Appiah] is, 'what did I do to deserve this?' That’s the only thing I want to know," he said.

Lamptey said his wife began divorce proceedings against him after he refused to spend 26,000 pounds to send her first daughter to university in the UK.

The retired footballer said he then hired a journalist to track and document the activities of his wife whom he suspected of cheating on her.

He said the findings of the journalist as well as advice from his friends prompted him to commission the DNA tests on the children.

Lamptey said his friends told him that the children were not his and that he should do a DNA test.

He said he did not believe them but did the test anyway, only to get the shock of his life. “When I went for the results, the doctor asked how many years we had been together and I said '21 years'. He just said straight away: ‘the kids are not yours’. I was shaking," he said.

Lamptey said he had got himself a new girlfriend, Ruweida Yakubu, with whom he now has two children.

He revealed in the interview that Ruweida was pregnant with their third child.

Source: yen.com.gh