









Photo: I love my ‘small buttocks’ – Deborah Vanessa


Tue, 23 Apr 2013 Source: News-One

Deborah Vanessa Owusu-Bonsu is popular for her ‘Uncle Obama’ hit song and the fact that she is a biological sister to controversial musician, Wanluv Da Kubolor.

Her followers have hitherto believed she is not as crazy as her Kubolor brother but that belief has been brought to question by the type of things she told television presenter Eddy Blay in the interview below exclusively done for NEWS-ONE.

Deborah, also known as Sister Debbie, revealed that although she is in a love relationship, she would rather love to take care of her body so she looks good on the red carpet rather than get pregnant to make babies. She also spoke of her love for her ‘small buttocks’ and why she wears short clothes.

What have you been up to lately?

Debbie: There are quite a lot of things going on. I have a show on GH One called ‘Glitterati’. I also just recently recorded my next hit single. I’m waiting for it to be mixed and mastered. I just put together a collection for Printex. They were looking for upcoming designers to put forward a collection, out of which four outfits would be put on billboards. Up till then, I had been doing designs but just as a hobby. I jumped at this opportunity, though. I have taken part in big shows like the Ms. Ghana Top Model 2010 and also the Be Bold Show. But I never really looked at it like a business. I felt I wasn’t ready. People are going to buy your work so you need to be ready if you want to go professional. .But now after this Printex show, I feel I’m ready to launch. I’m proud to say that Yvonne Nelson wore one of my outfits to her movie premiere and the dress has gone viral on the internet. My designs are getting good reviews.

You are a musician, designer, painter, and TV personality. Which of these do you enjoy the most?

Debbie: I enjoy all of them equally, I think. It would be great if I was just into painting because that’s the one thing I can do without anyone’s help. All I need are my tools to get the work done. But with music for example, you need a producer, an engineer, etc. Sometimes getting things done might take long because it’s literally out of your hands. But I enjoy all these things I’m doing very much.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

Debbie: My friends inspire me a lot when they compliment my work and tell me they would wear my designs. I also get a lot of inspiration from Nigeria and the aggressive nature of how things are done over there. I have attended quite a few events there and I have to say they are very organised. They take things like image and branding very seriously and understand the importance of how you look in the public’s eyes.

What’s the life of a celebrity in Ghana like?

Debbie:Well people are always friendly. I get a lot of smiles from people who get excited when they see me and I find that very flattering. I appreciate the love. Most of my friends are also in the entertainment industry so I don’t consider it a big deal and I’m quite comfortable when I hang out with them.

Some celebs complain that even though it comes with the package, it’s hard dealing with those that are described as haters. Do you feel the same way?

Debbie: l don’t really focus on that. There might be maybe one or two comments that people might make about me on a social network that might be mean-spirited. But when you see the kind of person making those comments, you might realize that it’s not worth taking them seriously. The love always outweighs the hate, anyway. Two wrongs don’t make a right so if you are insulting me for something you think I did wrong, what does that make you? I don’t like to even acknowledge these so-called haters like others do. Some people go like “shout out to all my haters” and all that. l don’t like to recognize negative energy. It’s good to keep it positive and focus on being the best you can be in whatever it is you’re doing. However, it’s also important to listen to constructive criticism from the fans, because after all, they are the reason we do what we do.

Many have labeled you a sex symbol. How do you feel about that?

Debbie: (laughs) Where? In Ghana? Wow. I feel very honored and privileged because I don’t have a big butt. (laughs)

What would you say to the young ladies reading this that might want to take up your line of work?

Debbie: Well for starters, you need to be passionate and confident. Also, you can’t take negative comments personally. You can’t please everyone so the most you can do is be yourself. Honesty is also very Important. I’m a very honest person.

Where do you see yourself a few years from now?

Debbie: Basically, I want to take my work to another level, set up shop properly with staff working for me and an office, with salaries to pay, etc. I also want to win some awards for production. Awards make you feel that your work is being appreciated and you are doing your job well. I want to be known as one of Africa’s best producers. Maybe some awards for acting or performing as well. I really love the arts.

How would you describe your ideal weekend?

Debbie: Hmm, that would include going to Busua Beach with my mom and brother (Wanluv Da Kubolor). This hasn’t happened yet because my mom hardly goes anywhere.

Are you in a relationship?

Debbie: Yes. (big smile)

Are you looking forward to settling down with kids?

Debbie: Nope! I’m a bit selfish right now and it’s all about me and my career. I can’t really be thinking about changing diapers and things. I’m too busy thinking about how to look fabulous on the red carpet. Not really looking forward to the big stomach, you know. (laughs)

What is the concept behind your song ‘Uncle Obama’?

Debbie: Well there are quite a few messages in that song. But basically the song is about telling people to take care of their pets. Whichever pet you may have, you need to make it happy. In the song’s story, I am going to the market to buy food for my pet. Another angle is I am also trying to tell people to take better care of their environment by watching how they use and get rid of polythene bags. So in the song there’s a bit where I talk about using a Ghana-made basket to shop instead of a plastic bag. Then there’s also a message about how we refuse to dress according to the weather. We sometimes wear heavy clothing when the sun is so hot. If you wear a short skirt to the market they will insult or even stone you! I’m not saying you should be indecent. But when it’s hot, you should be allowed to feel free and not get criticized for it. I’m also talking about going to buy fruits because eating fruits is healthy. But of course if adults see some sexual innuendo well… (laughs)

What’s next for you?

Debbie: Well my new single will soon be out. It will not be as controversial as ‘Uncle Obama’ but it will still be very crazy and my fans will love it. I’ve also been invited to perform at the famous Glastonbury festival in June. That’s a huge honor and I’m really looking forward to it. I think it hasn’t even sunk in yet and it will probably hit me when l step on that stage.

Do you get nervous before you get on stage?

Debbie: I get very nervous like five minutes before, but once I get on the stage it all goes away. But I always have to pee just before I get on stage. (laughs)

A message to your fans?

Debbie: Well my fans are the “best”. They should keep supporting, because they motivate me a lot. I will keep surprising them. They should always do what they are passionate about no matter what people say.

Source: News-One