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Politician calls for Ghana to enrich Uranium

Thu, 4 May 2006 Source: " MAYOR SPEAKS" and Ghana Community News

Politician Sets Deadline for Nuclear Powers to Disarm by 2008 --- Vows to Call for Enrichment of Uranium for (Peace Purpose) at Site of Dr. Nkrumah's "Kwabenya Project"

Describing "Nuclear Free" Japan as a Role Model, the self-styled "Muhammad Ali of Politics", "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as (Kwame Mayor), has set 2008 deadline for Nuclear Powers to disarm, vowing that if they fail to do so, he would call for the enrichment of Uranium for (Peace Purpose) at the site of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's "Kwabenya Project" --- if he becomes President of Ghana through the Ballot Box someday, in order to ensure "Racial Balance of Power" with our "White Brothers and Sisters" and moreover, in order to prevent another Trans-Atalantic Slave Trade !!!.

The Pro-American and African Nationalist, said he would allow the United States of America and other Countries of the "Free World' to man the Nuclear site with African Nuclear scientists to ensure that the Nuclear weapons would only be used for Peace purpose and as a deterrrent against the re-occurence of "Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade".

In a twist of irony and a clear immitation of Countries possessing Nuclear arms, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng (Kwame Mayor) said that if he is successful to lead Ghana and the entire Africa Continent into a Super Power status, he would oppose any new Nation which tries to acquire Nuclear technology since such "New Nations' cannot be trusted with Nuclear weapons.

The 2004 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso has advised Super Powers to disarm by 2008 else he would campaign for an "African Super Power" to co-exist peacefully with White Nuclear Powers through a Policy of "Peace though Strength" - with due apology to the legendary Ronald Reagan, said the Pro-American and Pan-Africanist who earned the nickname, "America's Mandela" when with the help of Brave Americans and the civilized democratic government of the United States of America, stood up gallantly and morally and ethically defeated a [few] Political Terrorists who tried to use all available tools of a Super Power to bully, torture and oppress him.

The U.S. educated --- at the Prestigious and expensive University of Southern Clifornia (USC) who has deferred his Ph.D. studies in Political Science at another Prestigious and expensive Claremont Graduate University (CGU) and who is the Founder of "Oracle of Delphi Creative and Political Consulting Services; Center for African Policy and Business Studies and other soon-to-be inaugurated Non-Profit organizations and moreover, who is regarded by American Bureaucrats as more educated than about 70 % of America's population, repeated his famouse statement that " the White man is (NOT) an enemy but a friend, and a brother as their Missionary work in Africa has proven".

He however, said " it would be morally wrong for one race to possess nuclear weapons while the other race lives in perpetual fear and subjugation".

" Either we live in a "Nuclear - Free World" or Africa should be able to emerge a "Super Power" in order to achieve a "Racial Balance of World Power" , said Boateng.

"Osagyefo" Kwame Boateng again warned that the gruelsome Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade which was a "Crime Against Humanity" and an equally "Crime Against Civilization" would repeat itself so far as Africa remains powerless and pleaded with liberal and intellectuial whites to understand his cause for a "Nuclear-Free World" or the emergence of an "African Super Power" in order to ensure a peaceful co-existence of the white, black and other races in a peaceful World.

Source: " MAYOR SPEAKS" and Ghana Community News