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Presidential Aspirant Promises to build Nuclear Bombs

Tue, 1 May 2007 Source: --

Barely 24 hours after informing Ghanaians around the World that he would be seeking Presidential nomination in Ghana, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor", a (Pro-American) Independent Policy Consultant / Political Analyst; Academician and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the (newly) opened "GHANA COMMUNITY SAVINGS AND LOANS", has declared his intention to seek a Peaceful, (Non-Violent) NUCLEAR WEAPONS for Ghana and Africa in general, if he is ever elected President of Ghana someday.

Promising to allow "Freedom-Loving" America, Britain, France, Germany and other Nuclear Powers such as Russia to join African Scientists to be in full charge or 100% in charge of such a [future] Nuclear Weapons he is contemplating about which according to him, would be aimed at offering the "Black Race" an [Equal Opportunity) to be "Nuclear Strong" like our "White Brothers and Sisters" who are already armed with Nuclear Weapons.

The Politician who is an (Anticipated / (Deferred) Ph.D. student in Political Science at the Prestigious Claremont Graduate University (CGU) and holder of (both) Bachelor of Science and Masters Degrees from the University of Southern California (USC) - another prestigious University noted for graduating some of Hollywood's Super Stars; and a proverbial school for the "Rich; the Famous" and especially, for the "Academically Gifted Students"), appealed to the United States and other Nuclear Powers that since the "Black Race" has suffered too much in history, in terms of Oppression, "Holocaust of Slavery" and Exploitation, they (the Black Race) should be allowed to possess Nuclear Weapons just as "Our White Brothers and Sisters" in order to achieve "Racial Parity in Strength and Might" and to achieve "Equal Nuclear Deterrence Status".

"Equal Nuclear Capabilities" - in the possession of both the White Race and the Black Race would produce a "Peaceful Political Equilibrium" since each Race would have a "Deterring Force" and in such a scenario, the "Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade would not occur again !!!", explained the Politician known in Political Circles as the first Ghanaian-American and / or the first indigenous African to seek a higher public office in the history of United States of America - since America's Declaration of Independence in 1776 - (A "Moral Political Victory" in the eyes of many Intellectuals !!!).

Truthfully in his heart, "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor said, he would rather prefer a 'Nuclear Free and Peaceful World !!!" whereby both the Black Race and the White Race would live in "Perpetual Peace and Harmony !!!" - "A World where one's Color of Skin would be insignificant and in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, a World where one would be judged based on his Character, rather than his or her Color of Skin !!!.

IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT, "Osagyefo" says President John Agyekum Kuffuor's "fear" and reported "confusion" of talking about "Nuclear Power" proves the "Statesman's Leadership and Capabilities" of the CPP activist and 2004 Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency - "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng (Kwame Mayor), a 'Pro- [Peaceful] Nuclear Politician !!!" ( who is on record, especially on Ghanaweb's Regional News of 11 December 2005, for fearlessly cautioning "Super Powers to Dismantle Nuclear Weapons ELSE"..., he would "put pressure on African governments to also develop nuclear weapons for peace purpose in order to achieve [Racial Balance of World Power] with our White and Asian brothers and sisters") --- also, startling Ghanaians around the World and the International Community on May 5, 2006, with his call on Ghana to enrich Uranium at the site of Dr. Nkrumah's 'Kwabenya Project' and dramatically setting deadline for Nuclear Powers to Disarm by 2008 !!!, (as published in Ghana's "Gye Nyame Concord" and other News Media - "Politician calls for Ghana to enrich Uranium Politician Sets Deadline for Nuclear Powers to Disarm by 2008"; and as published on Ghanaweb's News of 4 May 2006).

( It should be noted that China's Xinhua News reportedly carried a story on [2006-03-31] headlined"Ghana atomic energy commission appeals for govt support" and prior to that, the CPP activist' story captioned - "Peace Activist Asks "Super Powers" To Dismantle Nuclear Weapons, ELSE"--- (in which "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng "Kwame Mayor" had vowed to "put pressure on African governments to also develop nuclear weapons for peace purpose in order to achieve [Racial Balance of World Power] with our White and Asian brothers and sisters") - had been published on Ghanaweb News Section on [2005, 12-11]).

"Why "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor, a (Non-Scientist), could [boldly] call on African Countries to develop Nuclear weapons for (Peaceful) reasons, [if] Nuclear Power Nations do not dismantle their Nuclear weapons, and especially why his "African Nuclear Power" story was published (before0 the [2006-03-31] headlined story "Ghana Atomic Energy Commission appeals for govt support" - remains a mystery !!!

" In the Sixties, Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was (ahead of the U.P. Tradition) when he called for Atomic Power, and in the "New Millennium, "Reincarnated [Osagyefo] Kwame Appiah Boateng (Kwame Mayor), a CPP activist, boldly called for an "African Super Power" and an immediate Symbolic "Continental African Union Government" - (before the call by U.P. turned NPP's officials and / or their Political affiliates !!!"), said the Politician who speaks the Truth and Nothing but the Truth !!!.

The former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate said President John Agyekum Kuffuor's victimization of him has "instead IMMORTALIZED him as a living [Political Legend !!!] - in his own right !!!".

"President John Agyekum Kuffuor's government will not build a new "State of the Art" Presidential Palace unless Kwame Appiah Boateng (Kwame Mayor) has proposed it and after it has already been published in the News Media such as Ghanaweb News !!!", said the Charismatic Politician.

"President John Agyekum Kuffuor's government will not set up National Reconciliation unless Kwame Mayor has given him the "Blue Print" of his strategic idea of "importing South Africa's Model of Truth and Reconciliation Commission to Ghana" , in Los Angeles, California, USA during (Kuffuor's Presidential Campaign Trip to Los Angeles) - before he was first elected into office as President of Ghana !!!", said the "People's Mayor".

"And President John Agyekum Kuffuor's government will not introduce the "Ropa Bill" until Kwame Appiah Boateng has written him a letter with copies to the Protocol office and the office of former Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Peter Ala Adjetey", said the Politician formerly called "Kwame Mayor".

"And countless of "Stolen Ideas" initiated by "Kwame Mayor" (in the hands of President John Agyekum Kuffuor's led government), which stares at NPP's [own] "Stolen Verdict" history, said the marverick Politician" who is seeking a [symbolic] "Political and Economic Asylum" in United States of America - the proverbial "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave".

" What God has Proposed, Man Cannot Disposed !!!", the "People's Mayor" quoted an old adage !!!, (apparently directed at President John Agyekum's government, which he blames for [systematically] exploiting his "Academic Brain Power" !!! and then, turning around to persecute him".

"Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor publicly told his "Political Faithfuls" around the World : " I Shall Return to the Motherland !!!", he said.

"My Destiny is to lead you and Mother Africa to the "Political Promised Land !!!", he added.

THe "Mayor's" Charity Organizations - (operating with the Mailing Address in USA - : 3175 South Hoover Street, # 365, Los Angeles, CA 90007; Telephone (310) 740-3132 and Email : KwameMayor @ Yahoo.Com) - such as Ghana Community Savings and Loans" and "Kwame A. Boateng Campaign Fund Committee", etc, hereby announce "Humanitarian Plans" to engage in Charity Work for the benefit of the poor and the needy in Ghana and other parts of Africa - (to help feed poor Children; provide the poor with Clothes; explore the opportunities of providing affordable Housing to the Poor and the "Suffering Middle Class"; establish "Village Libraries" for Rural Folks and to help provide "Tools of Democracy" to Freedom-Loving Ghanaians.

>>> * (Signed for Release) : The Office of "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng (Kwame Mayor), Former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate.

>>Office Mailing Address in USA : 3175 South Hoover Street, # 365, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA

>>> Telephone (310) 740-3132 (USA)

>>> Email : KwameMayor @ Yahoo.Com

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