









Rejoinder:Lydia Forson goes 'Gaga' on Social Network...calls fans, media gullible

Lydia Forson Lf

Wed, 18 Jul 2012 Source: NEWS-ONE

Actress Lydia Forson is outraged and disappointed at media reports which suggested that she had been going round kissing anybody kissable in public.

On Friday, a Ghanaweb.com report described the bubbly actress as someone “who sees nothing wrong with kissing everyone who is kissable in public places; with reference to the last Ghana Movie Awards where she kissed Adjetey Anang and on GH and Beyond when she (almost or did she) kissed the ‘Grandpapa’ Reggie Rockstone on television”.

The report captioned, ‘Lydia Forson goes ‘Gaga’ on Social Network…calls fans, media gullible’, dealt extensively with a rumoured marriage tale between Lydia and comedian Funny Face, which started from twitter.

Lydia Forson, in a statement yesterday, said the report “defamed her and portrayed her in the public eye as a harlot”, describing the report as falsehood.

She said she had never kissed Adjetey Anang at any Ghana Movie Awards and Reggie Rockstone as the website claimed. She was rather on stage with Adjetey Anang at the Ghana Music Awards to present an award.

An audience of over a hundred persons, she said, witnessed that the event and could attest that they did not kiss.

The beautiful actress has therefore called on Ghanaweb to render an apology to its readers who were misled by the report.

“I respect the freedom of the press in the hope that this respect would be reciprocated.

In the bid to provide their audience with up-to-date information, they have a responsibility to the public that this information is true.

Unfortunately, some reporters have chosen to fabricate stories in a desperate attempt to popularize their sites.

“One said example is Adeyemi Victor of Ghanaweb, who resorted to a lazy form of reportage, by copying stories from other sites, adding untruths and presenting it as his own.

First he claimed that I had kissed Adjetey Annang on stage at the Ghana Music Awards, which was shown live on television and online to millions of viewers, and they all witnessed that nothing of the sort happened.

Also, he goes on to write that I did the same thing to Reggie Rockstone; that also isn’t true.

“In the case of Funny Face and I, this was for a filming of a programme, but in his true lazy fashion, he didn’t verify this information before putting it out there.

But rather decided to write libelous statements about me, and at one point stating I’ve been known to kiss people in public.

This is what occurs when unqualified persons are given the opportunity to operate as reporters. “Even more sad was the fact that social network has become a reliable source of information to most media houses, without making an effort to authenticate these stories.

Sadly, now anyone can put out false information and call it the truth. I am highly disappointed in Adeyemi, and even more disappointed in Ghana web for allowing such a person to operate with them, where a writer copies stories from other sites without any knowledge and presents it as their own.

It is about time reporters, especially those who haven’t had any form of education in that area, be made more accountable for what they write,” she added.

“Henceforth I demand that no one rely on any information this person puts out unless he admits where he flawed, and be more responsible and stop being lazy,” the statement concluded.Read Full Story

Source: NEWS-ONE