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Special ID Cards, immunity to smoke weed – Some demands celebrities made at meeting with IGP

The police heirarchy met creative arts industry players on November 10

Sun, 14 Nov 2021 Source: www.ghanaweb.live

• IGP met entertainment industry players

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• Some celebrities made various demands at the meeting

• COP Nathan Kofi Boakye responding to the demands described the celebrities as having an overwhelming sense of entitlement

At a meeting between the top brass of the Ghana Police Service and various stakeholders of the entertainment industry, Commissioner of Police Nathan Kofi Boakye rebuked the celebrities describing their sense of entitlement as overwhelming.

While COP Kofi Boakye’s rebuke of the celebrities was largely reported, details of events leading to his outburst at the meeting which was held behind closed doors have been scanty.

However, emerging details from the meeting shared by some individuals present give credence to the description of entitlement by some of the celebrities.

As reported by an entertainment journalist, who wants to remain anonymous, the celebrities from their late arrival at the meeting gave grounds for one to question their prioritization of the event.

“Majority of them came in late. An event that was supposed to start at 10 am, they were coming in at 11-12 o’clock. The IGP was seated exactly 10 and cautioned that they do not work like that when they say 10, it is 10...he actually gave them about 15 minutes extra,” the journalist reported in a Facebook post which has been pulled down.

Further to the late reporting time, the journalist further reported that the celebrities when it was time for them to table their concerns to the police leadership, chose to make frivolous demands such as special identity cards, immunity to smoke marijuana amongst others.

“As for the issues raised, I don't even want to go there... people were so ignorant of even why they were there...instead of them to ask relevant questions as to how the industry will move forward with regards to security etc. They were asking for special Identification cards for easy identification at police checkpoints.

“Others were saying they should let them smoke weed in December, some were speaking about entrepreneurship, funds, how bad the English of some of the policemen are, how they are delayed at the port when it comes to clearing of goods.

“Someone was telling them that Ghamro owes them royalty, people went to talk about why the police should allow them use cars with DV numbers among others. Someone went to talk about how some pub in his area play song till the next morning, another was complaining about how she is treated by the police because of her accent,” the journalist narrated.

According to the journalist, the police management eventually concluded from the events that players in the entertainment industry needed more schooling about the law and their remits within it.

“It was soo embarrassing and an eyesore. in the end, the police told them that it looks like they are naive when it comes to laws so they will have to find ways of educating them,” the journalist added.

As reported, COP Nathan Kofi Boakye in response to the demands by some of the celebrities said “I want to say that the sense of entitlement of celebrities is becoming overwhelming. And I just don’t get it. Some of the things that you do are disgusting, truth be told. If we cannot arrest pickpockets, we cannot arrest armed robbers. No one is above the law. When you fault it, and the law has to deal with you, we will. So, that it will deter others.

He continued that “if you want privileges, what privileges do you want? That you can pull a weapon anytime, and nothing would be done to you? No, that is not possible. We cannot do that.”

The outspoken senior police also noted that there is a need to clarify who a celebrity is and who deserves that title.

“Who is a celebrity? What is the operational definition of the word celebrity? I think we should get that because I am confused. We are confused. Is it that when you appear in one film, or you do one song, you qualify to be called a celebrity or what? And you see, because we are confused, we do not know what you want,” he said.

The meeting was held at the Police Headquarters in Accra on Wednesday, November 10 with some senior police officers in attendance.

It was chaired by the Inspector General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare.


Source: www.ghanaweb.live