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The Sexcapade of a Former DCE

Wed, 12 Dec 2001 Source: Ghanaian Chronicle

'I Will Not Take Any Paternity Test '

Still languishing in the agony of political defeat in last year's Presidential and Parliamentary elections, Mr. Thomas Takyi, immediate past District Chief Executive of Atetebu District faces the task of a paternity test to determine if, indeed, he fathered 10 year-old Charity Fosuah who he has allegedly neglected.

Mr. Takyi admitted having an amorous relationship with the mother of the young poor girl whose education is in a mess because of lack of finance.

But the DCE insists that he gave money for abortion, which the mother, Akua Osaah refused to carry out.

He has thus no responsibility for the child.

Chronicle-on-Saturday gathered during its rounds in the Brong-Ahafo region that the two lovebirds were dating themselves until Akua Osaah became pregnant in 1990.

Both of them agreed on an abortion, but after collecting an amount of ?30,000 from Mr. Takyi, then a teacher at Atebubu Training College and presiding member of Atebubu District Assembly, Akua Osaah decided against the abortion but did not tell Mr. Takyi.

That was when the pregnancy was a month old.

They were still dating without Mr. Takyi knowing that the pregnancy was not aborted.

Two months later-that was when the pregnancy was in its third months and obviously being clearly visible- Akua Osaah informed her sweet heart the pregnancy was still there, and that was when their relationship became sour.

Akua Osaah's fault, according to what Mr. Takyi told this paper at his teaching grounds at Kyeraa in the Brong Ahafo region, was that she duped him and took ?30,000 under the pretext of going for an abortion which she never did.

According to him there was no way he could lay claim as father to the young girl.

To the best of his knowledge, the pregnancy was terminated during its first month.

As to whether he'll offer up himself for a paternity test to determine if indeed his amorous affairs with Akua Osaah resulted in the birth of the girl, Mr. Takyi said he'll only agree to the test if the ex-girlfriend agrees to face the law for duping him, and illegally taking an amount of ?30,000 from him under the pretext of aborting the baby.

"If I am the father of the girl, then I have also been fooled by Akua, and I have to take her on. You cannot find a dubious means to dupe me", he said.

He argued that if the ex-girl friend agreed that "I take her on for duping me by illegally collecting money from me, then I'll consider the test".

Answering a question as to if he was aware committing abortion was a criminal offence, Mr. Takyi stressed that it was not his intention to ask her to indulge in such act, but was compelled to do so under the circumstances.

"She said she was bleeding and the doctor advised her to terminate the pregnancy, so I had nothing to say. I asked how much, and she said ?30,000".

He continued that he was financially handicapped at the time so he was able to give the ex-girlfriend only ?20,000 but the lady later met him in town and confronted him over the matter.

He was therefore compelled to cough up the remaining ?10,000 .

He added that after finally settling the amount meant for the abortion, Akua Osaah told him two months later that the pregnancy was still there.

This was something he found too difficult to accept.

"About a month or two later, she sent a friend to tell me the thing was still there. How come I had to accept it?", the former National Democratic Congress (NDC) District Chief Executive and one of Ex- President Rawlings' men of integrity said, in a recorded interview on Tuesday this week.

Contrary to Mr. Takyi's claim that the ex-girlfriend told him she needed an abortion as instructed by a doctor, Akua Osaah told this reporter at her Atebubu residence that she never told Mr.Takyi she needed an abortion on a doctor's instruction, but instead Mr. Takyi requested that she had the abortion.

She explained that she, however, did not commit the abortion for fear of death but took the ?30,000 because she needed money.

She however did not consider the manner in which she got the money illegal because according to her they were lovers.

Mr. J.B Nyarko, an uncle of Akua Osaah told this paper at his office in Sunyani that he was aware his niece was dating Mr. Takyi, but it was rather unfortunate for a mature person like Mr. Takyi to refuse responsibility of the pregnancy and even refuse a paternity test to clear his name.

Young Charity Fosuah, told Chronicle-on-Saturday in the local Akan language when asked who the father was. " Mr. Takyi", she replied, but pathetic enough, the poor girl now resides with the mother in a wretched environment at Atebubu while the father resides in a decent, private self-contained house built less than three years ago at a strategic location near the Sunyani airstrip.

Charity has never seen Mr. Takyi who she calls her father.

Mr. Takyi also told the paper he has never seen the young girl.

He currently teaches at Kyeraa, a village in the Brong Ahafo region where he was posted to after re-applying to the Ghana Education Service in the after-match of last year's general elections which knocked his party out of power.

He is the only teacher in the town who boasts of a class brand new Mercedes Benz, but has no courage to undergo a paternity test.

Meanwhile the victim and relatives are considering what line of action to take to bring the DCE to book.

Source: Ghanaian Chronicle