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There is life after death

Tue, 14 May 2002 Source: GRi

Breman Asikuma (Central Region) -- A 25-year-old woman has defied all the canons of medical logic and contradicted several verses of the Bible by overcoming death and replicating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Just short of claiming messiah-ship Abena Kumawaa of Breman Asikuman in the Central Region, died, started rotting and smelling after four days, only to come back to life when she was prepared for burial and laid in state.

Today, the man who was supposed to marry Abena before she died, has chickened out. He is terrified and horrified, and says he has given up the marriage plans because, "I cannot wed a ghost," Abena quoted him as saying. But Miss Kumawaa is no ghost, after all. She is all flesh and blood like any mortal; talking, eating, drinking and looking after her one-year old child Kweku Nyamekye. She is still suckling the infant.

Your favourite weekend companion, 'The Spectator' recently donned the nose of a bloodhound and traced Abena to her abode, inviting her for an interview. Abena is a dark, slim woman of 25 years. She stands at about five-feet-two inches and has the airs of someone who had lived all her life in the countryside.

Her naivety, native simplicity, honesty and religious inclination were brought to bear in her almost incredible narrative, which borders on the supernatural, life-after-death and the unfathomable personal experience of resurrection. Accompanying her was her mother who wanted to be simply called Yaa.

Before Abena Kumawaa's testimony, Madam Yaa told 'The Spectator' that she had had eleven children with her husband, but tragically for her, only Abena survived among the lot. She said, she had borne pain in life, losing one child after another. And when Abena also became sick and wasn't getting well, she became distraught and wished she herself were not born into such a miserable fate, or into the world.

Yaa said, Abena suffered from epilepsy and she has had to take her from one hospital to another without success. Her condition got worse as she collapsed more frequently. About two years ago, Abena died from her ailment, but she was not sent to the mortuary.

She was kept in the house, covered with palm branches. On the fourth day, her body was clearly getting putrefied and the scent from it was bad. She was prepared for burial and laid in the coffin. Her Apostolic Church members were all present and tributes were said to Abena.

Just then, Madam Yaa said, a tall fellow wearing a long beard and a turban appeared on the scene and told those present that he had been sent by God to bring Abena back to life. The man asked those in the house to hold Abena and they reluctantly complied. He prayed the prayer of faith for a long time. He then asked for two spoons.

"He opened Abena's mouth and inserted the two spoons, one into the left and the other into the right side of her jaw. He then put his fingers into Abena's throat three times and removed a live frog from her throat. According to the mystery man, the frog was responsible for her epilepsy and frequent convulsions, which eventually ended her life", Abena's mother said.

The man asked for a bottle into which he put the live frog. Yaa said immediately the live frog came out of Abena, she woke up and vomited and this caused a pandemonium. Her Apostolic church members, family, friends and well-wishers both young and old, took off in Olympic style, some screaming hysterically, with others calling "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!

Madam Yaa said, in the ensuing stampede and confusion, a strong whirlwind blew and the tall, bearded man suddenly disappeared to the amazement of all. At this juncture, this writer now turned his attention to Abena to listen to the resurrection story from the horses? own mouth. But first, he wanted to know from Abena what happened when she woke up.

"When I found myself back to life, I realised that I was very hungry. I called my father and told him I was hungry. He then brought me mashed Kenkey, which was sieved to make it light. I ate it slowly with a spoon and gained some energy," said Abena. Spectator quizzed, ?Now, you are claiming you were dead. How do you know you had died?

Abena responded, ?I didn't know I was dead. I thought I was still alive, going about my normal duties. If anyone had told me I was dead, I would not have believed it, because I was dressed up and walking as usual. The only feeling I had was the feeling of peace within me as I walked about.

I realised that I started walking away from my home on a long journey. I walked on for a long time until I got somewhere where I saw houses in sight. I then met a few people who welcomed me heartily. Some of them had familiar faces. After welcoming me, they sent me to the chief's palace. At the palace, a woman asked me to sing a song. The lyrics run as follows: "There is a way; if I follow that way, I won't return. If I do good, I'll be saved. If I do bad, I'll be punished."

After I had sang the song, I was made to sit down. Just then, an old woman used a stick and hit me hard near my buttocks. I felt so much pain and started running away. The old woman followed me holding the stick. She asked me to go back where I had come from.

I walked and walked away till we got to a place where I saw a multitude of people. They were all told to suck blood from the foetuses and unborn babies. It was a horrifying bloody spectacle. The old woman told me those were the people who committed abortions when they were alive. They were receiving their punishment.

Source: GRi