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Three students found guilty in Mzbel stripping

Mon, 7 Nov 2005 Source: --

A team which investigated the alleged stripping of musician Mzbel at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, has implicated three students.

The team is recommending severe sanctions, including dismissal against the students.

A report of the fact-finding mission intercepted by our news team in Kumasi has revealed that the students misbehaved themselves after the budding female hip life star showed them her backside.

The report supposed to have been presented to some university authorities including the Dean of Students and the Vice Chancellor for study and consideration indicts Alex Dapaah, first year B. Sc. Chemistry, Aaron Adusah Poku, second year B.A. Publishing studies and Theodore Djokoto, third year B. Sc. Painting.

They are said to have been seen upstage in the ensuing commotion during which Nana Ekua Amoah, a.k.a Mzbel is alleged to have been manhandled and stripped naked.

The committee found out that while upstage, Alex would yell ?fellows? with the crowd responding, ?charge? (the yell is a slogan for students in the University Hall, also known as Katanga of KNUST).

He allegedly showcased condoms and also removed his trousers showing his buttocks to the crowd.

The other two acted similarly seeking to force Mzbel and her dancers to dance with them.

They face sanctions ranging from loss of residential status being barred from contesting elections, rendering humanitarian services to an orphanage for four weeks.

The students would also have their photographs displayed on all notice boards for three weeks and any other sanctions the Vice Chancellor may consider appropriate.

If they are not dismissed they would be made to sign a bond to be of good behaviour.

According to the report, Mzbel and her female dancers made nude gestures to the audience inviting students upstage, an action that called for an encore from the crowd.

The report said the students? requests for one more were not for more songs as the singer claims but rather for her and to show more of her private parts which she and her dancers willingly did many times.

Mzbel is said to have lied when she alleged that someone touched her private part.

She is also reported to have been drunk just as those who engage her in the tug of war on stage.

While apologizing to Mzbel for the ordeal she was subjected to, the committee also recommends that only decent artistes should be contracted to perform on campus in future.

The committee also recommended that all events be subjected to approval of a special committee in collaboration with the University authorities.

The committee also recommended a ban on the sale of alcohol at such functions.

Source: --