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VVIP to headline Sallah fest 2017

Sala VVIP2017 VVIP at the launch with Sala fest organisers

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 Source: Nii Armah Ashong Katai

Sallah fest, an annual feast and musical festival was launched on Wednesday 13th June 2017 on the Chapter O Street at Nima. The annual event which is largely credited for bringing together thousands of Muslims across the Muslim communities in Accra on one platform will be held on the 26th of June 2017.

The festival which is in its six year, is a flagship event organized by Exp Ghana, an Experiential Marketing Agency with over 34 years of experiential marketing and PR experience and renowned Ghanaian Hip life group ‘VVIP’, a three-man musical group who traces their roots from the Nima community and has over the years won a lot of laurels both in Ghana and abroad.

Addressing invited guests and the media at the launch Nii Futah, chief of Nima highlighted the importance of the Ramadan saying it is a month where Muslims all over the world are expected to be generous to others. . “The month of Ramadan is a remarkable month throughout the history of Islam, a month where rewards and alms are doubled”. “Generosity and giving are attributes that Allah likes for Muslims since Allah’s and Prophet’s generosity to their people also multiplies in the Ramadan period”. “We should be most active in spending our wealth to help those who are less fortunate in our society. “Let us all in this period of Ramadan keep in mind, the saying of ‘Ubaid Ibn ‘Umair, rahimahu Allah, “On the Day of Judgment people will be gathered as hungry as they have ever been and as thirsty as they have ever been and as naked as they have ever been. Then, he who has fed others for the sake of Allah, ‘azza wa jalla, Allah will feed him till he is full”.

He again praised the efforts of sponsors and the organizers for their continual usage of the Nima community as the venue for this very important event and that he and his community is most grateful.

On their part, VVIP believes that the people of Nima contributed immensely towards their success and that there is the need for them to also come out with events such as Sallah fest as a means of giving back to the community. “This is our personal contribution to the community, which has made us who we are today and we as a group see this as an opportunity to invite to our community the Crème de la crème on the Ghanaian music scene to help us say thank you to the very people who made us and have supported us all this while in our career” says VVIP.

Mr. Abdul Aziz Amankwa, the country Director of EXP Ghana, organizers of the event also commended the Chief and people of Nima and its environs as well as the all committed sponsors who have kept faith with the event for the past six years and praised their unflinching support for the annual event while welcoming new the sponsors on board. “These sponsors have over the years been proving that, they care about their core targets and will do anything possible to promote events that will go a long way in touching the lives of their targets”. He further indicated that this year’s event will be the best patrons of the event have ever witnessed since the commencement of the event six years ago. “This year, we are working hard to put together a lot of resources to increase our reach, in terms of numbers for the people we feed and give Ghanaians the best of concerts”.. Mr. Abdul-Aziz Amankwa added.

So far Frytol cooking oil and Fortune rice all from Wilmar Africa Limited, Onga, Kingdom fruits as well as the EIB Group have signed on as sponsors for this year’s Sallah Fest.

About exp Ghana

EXP Ghana specializes in Experiential Marketing with a strong focus on brand activation, sponsorship management and social marketing. EXP has an African footprint with 16 offices in 11 different African countries. We have numerous experience in activating events and a proven track record in delivery.


Source: Nii Armah Ashong Katai