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Vagabonds In Power (V.I.P): The Senseless Political Rant of KKD


Mon, 11 Apr 2011 Source: Cecil Akumey-Affizie

The least of places that politics and bias is expected to be openly displayed is an entertainment platform where both the participants and the host could come from any part of the political aisle. The 2011 Ghana Music awards ceremony was used to perpetrate this misdemeanor.

Midway through this year’s Ghana Music awards, the Host Mr. Kwesi Kyei Darkwah, popularly called KKD announced that, the popular Hip life group V.I.P (Vision in progress) were next to perform.

KKD went further to do the unthinkable. He said (Paraphrasing) V.I.P can also mean Vagabonds In Power.

Dear reader, do you need to be a rocket scientist to know that such a statement carries the stamp and label of political bias? For the benefit of doubt, could KKD be referring to the leadership of MUSIGA? If so, could vagabonds have beautifully put together a programme for a “sensible” man like him to host and rant?

On the other hand,could KKD be referring to the NDC or the President in particular as a vagabond? Could Ghanaian voters be so silly to have elected a vagabond to the highest office of president? Could the NDC be a political conglomerate of vagabonds?

My dictionary tells me that a vagabond is someone without a home or job and roams. Could we say that of the leadership of this country? Could our president be a loafer? Could he be a vagrant, gypsy, hobo, tramp, drifter and a wanderer?

Now let’s go further to look at this analysis. Should KKD’s description fit NDC, can we by that measure say that, the “non-vagabonds” are in opposition? Should Ghanaians be so “silly” to have kept the “non-vagabonds” in opposition don’t you think that was for a very good reason?

Would it not be a wise decision to be a vagabond in Power than a non-vagabond in opposition and engage in this senseless rant?

Any how you look at the statement; it won’t pass for a mere joke. Dear reader, you would agree with me that, hosting a programme as Ghana Music awards demands a comprehensive rehearsal and preparation. In that vein could we say that KKD rehearsed his “folly” and churned it out? Such statement is a politically divisive phrase that should not and never be tolerated on any platform lest an entertainment platform like Ghana music awards.

The earlier apologies are offered for the profuse display of such naivety and gross disrespect for the highest office of the land, the better. I am calling on MUSIGA to publicly decouple itself from the statement of KKD and ban him from hosting such prestigious programs in the country where foreign dignitaries normally attend.

I may not be an NDC or NPP member but as a Ghanaian, it is my duty and obligation to uphold the moral standards that binds us all. Such a frontal attack and verbal assault on the highest office on the land is unfortunate and must be condemned by all Ghana cannot afford such disgrace for the sake of politics. God bless us all.

Source: Cecil Akumey-Affizie