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Wife bites hubby?s genitals

Sat, 16 Jul 2005 Source: The Mirror

For 72-year old farmer of Adansi Medoma in the Ashanti region, Opanin Kwami Nkyi the worst nightmare in his life was when his wife bit his genitals during a scuffle between the two on July 8 this year.

He said what aggravated his mental torture was when the wife Madam Adwoa Fordjour, 50 immediately after the act, hurriedly packed her belongings and fled her matrimonial home, abandoning him to bleed profusely unattended to.

He claimed that it took the intervention of some sympathizers to take him to hospital for medical attention after having bled for several hours.

That notwithstanding, Opanyin Nkyi claimed he still loved his wife and prayed the police investigators to take the matter out of court for an amicable settlement at home.

Madam Fordjour said to be currently living with her mother at the nearby village of Adansi Kyeaboso.

The scuffle was said to have ensued between the two over Opanyin Nkyi?s insistance that his eldest son vacate his home.

Opanyin Nkyi claimed that the boy?s continued stay in the house was always creating tension in his marriage.

But his wife was said to have vehemently opposed the idea and insisted that the boy should stay with them, else she will follow suit.

Recounting his ordeal on Kapital Radio, a radio station in Kumasi, Opanyin Nkyi said he had been married to Adwoa Fordjour for the past 18 years and that Adwoa already had four children from her previous marriage, while he had six from his previous marriage.

He said all his four stepchildren had been living with them in their Adansi Medoma home ever since they met and claimed that the eldest stepson was very lazy and had not been doing any job to support the running of the home.

The old man said his stepson recently got married but had not moved out of the house and at the same time he had not been contributing anything to the upkeep of the house.

He said in spite of his age, he personally worked in the farm and brought home farm produce for the family to enjoy without the stepson doing anything.

Opanyin Nkyi said on that fateful Friday, he had gone to the farm to bring some cassava. He realised later that his wife and the stepson had prepared fufu with the cassava he had brought from the farm and had eaten everything.

He said the attitude of his wife and his son had always created tension in the marriage and he had complained that the boy should leave the house and go and live with his wife.

He claimed his wife vehemently opposed his decision and during the exchanges, the stepson insulted him saying he was a bad man and that is why all his children had abandoned him.

He said the stepson pushed him and he fell, after which his wife dived onto him resulting in a scuffle.

Opanyin Nkyi said it was during the scuffle that his wife bit his genitals so he pushed her off.

Madam Adwoa Fordjour on her part claimed that she bit the husband because, during the scuffle, her head happened to be between his thighs.

Opanyin Nkyi has since been treated and discharged at the Bekwai hospital.

Source: The Mirror