









Discordant dirge from 40 NPP funerals

Npp Flag 1 File photo: An NPP flag

Sat, 27 Jun 2020 Source: Kofi Safo-Antwi

A discordant dirge from 40 vanquished NPP MPs, beaten to a pulp in recent constituency primaries, continues to catch fire in the Ghana of our day where kingmaker-delegates have become as crafty as snake-on-crime.

Outright wailing, curses, depression, accusations of the most obscure kind have never stopped bucketing down the lips of the vanquished, for winners never complain, only losers do.

Interestingly, most of these fallen 40 are those who wield authority and influence in Parliament, yet, these delegates made nonsense of the fact and unreservedly, focused on which side of their bread was raunchily buttered.

Critical fragments of information stewed deep in truth say, most of the losers were too interested in parliamentary and ministerial positions, and could never care two hoots about constituency prompts.

In the Ghana of our day, concomitant visits to the constituency by MPs is a necessary prerequisite, and particularly where it is interlaced with good money to line constituents’ pockets and the like, the rating is almost always over-the-moon in numbers any day.

The fallen 40 overlooked this saintly substance and instead, aligned with the shadow. For instance Ashanti region’s vanquished MP, Kennedy Kankam resolved to play this buffoonery and has been fed a rude dose of sanity.

Unkind constituents say his facial contours have been so lost on delegates’ memory on remembrance for the best part of four years that, no artist in the constituency can attempt an artistic impression of him today.

Yet another accusation has been dumped at the doorstep of Majority Leader in Parliament, Suame’s Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu, who is accused of facilitating the unopposed tag granted some 67 or so MPs to the detriment of others.

In that case, reporters have gone on to suggest that the budget that had taken care of happenings that far was first taken care of, before something sizeable and weighty was supplied for playing kind enough to step down. After all, did the good books not frown on the master’s refusal to pay off for the sweat of the labourer when perspiration attended his being like rain?

But while the delegates were still at it last Saturday, refrigerators, fans, air conditioners, outright cash, commercial tricycles, cars, textile, sewing machines and several other gifts competed on the bribery stakes to influence the voter to dump recalcitrant incumbents.

Elsewhere in established democracies, these are pretty hellish accusations that could call for relentless probes, but this is Ghana where the law has the habit of trapping the innocent insect while freeing the big and guilty animal.

Be that as it may, however, delegates too cannot escape the hordes of accusation flying around political spaces. Certainly gifts and money flew all around and that is criminal enough to gloss over while conscience slept. The hand that gives and that which receives are all guilty before the law and the Lord God. But by far it is the Ejisuhene, Nana Afranie Okese who has ruffled feathers this far. Flanked on his sides by his subjects Nana Okese told the victorious John Kuma who had toppled the incumbent, Owusu Aduomi, not to dare to behave like his predecessor, who has no trace of horse sense upstairs else he too will have the door to go through into oblivion.

The statement, perhaps carelessly made, yet advisedly so, has since been rescued with a royal apology. But in all truths, exactly when cowardice permeated royal talk these days could be another subject for another day.

Meanwhile, the cacophonous 40-dirge political cantata is still blazing the NPP radar, which is why sane minds have to dutifully quick-step to rescue Ghana’s democracy, from teething on the brink of calamitous corruption.

Otherwise, the choice to select political leadership in the Ghana we so cherish would criminally be delegated to the unscrupulous, to willfully flash it down the slippery slopes of our spyrogira-laden gutters.

Columnist: Kofi Safo-Antwi
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