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On NDC’s race: I bet, the party will split without Rawlings intervention

Jm With Rawlings1 Former President Mahama called on Mr. Rawlings recently

Thu, 30 Aug 2018 Source: Kwaku Badu

In fact, I never envisage in a million years that I will live to witness the intractable disunity in the NDC fraternity.

I must however admit that I am extremely flabbergasted to witness the deep seated divisions in the NDC, in the sense that some of us were made to believe that conflict is alien to them. “Conflict is only synonymous with NPP”, they proclaimed unblushingly.

Shockingly, however, in the wake of their 2020 internal elections, we have been hearing all kinds of mudslinging, gargantuan insinuations, allegations, accusations, and counter accusations.

The all-important question then is: where is the much touted unity amongst the NDC faithful?

It would appear that the NDC faithful have been living in a denial all along, and, taken discerning Ghanaians for dummies.

“If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand (Mark 3:25).”

Likewise, a family splintered by prolonged enmity will fall apart eventually.

Let us however admit that much as the preceding principle has some validity, it is somewhat impossible to avoid conflicts within a team or a group.

Indeed, teams or groups are synonymous with conflicts or fragmentations that can be managed over a passage of time.

The fact however is, team conflict is an interpersonal disagreement between members of a team or group.

Needless to state that conflict more often than not, impacts negatively on team performance.

Apparently, team conflict may occur when the balance between perceptions, goals, or/and values of the team is upset and members aren’t willing to work together towards achieving the shared goals and values.

Although each team or group member has his/her own interests and values, a team member is expected to follow values of the team.

Suffice it to stress that when there is dissonance between the values, needless cleavage may then emerge.

It is, therefore, worth emphasising that team conflict could be either functional or dysfunctional.

Functional conflicts are disagreements that do not affect team performance significantly, and, the team often remains functional and able to achieve the desired results.

On the other hand, dysfunctional conflicts are those cleavages that arise between team members that often disrupt teamwork and prevent team members from achieving the shared goals.

It is also worth stressing that team conflicts or divisions are not limited to a particular team or group.

Truth must however be told, conflict is rather a team or group phenomenon which may be resolved through an efficient management.

It is for this reason that I refuse to accept the NDC faithful’s ludicrous assertion that it is only the NPP that boasts of team conflict.

Clearly, the ongoing accusations and counter accusations amongst the NDC faithful tell a different story contrary to what they have told us in the previous years.

Until their recent tug of war, we were made to believe that conflict is alien to the NDC. Obviously, we were deceived big time by the NDC faithful. Somehow, their heated conflict is disastrously disintegrating the party.

Apparently, they have been living in a denial all along. They concealed the pernicious conflict whilst in government.

Then the humiliating 2016 election defeat rekindled the conflict.

Indeed, the irrevocable conflict started just after their 2016 humiliating election defeat.

If you may recall, a section of the aggrieved supporters could not hide their arousing disgust over the unpardonable events which led to the humiliating 2016 election loss.

The prominent among the disgruntled supporters is the Ex-President and founder of the party, J. J. Rawlings.

The extremely unhappy former President Rawlings has persistently been aiming accusing fingers at the non-performing and corrupt NDC leadership for the election defeat.

However, Ex-President Rawlings’s relentless accusations infuriated the brassbound NDC faithful, who discourteously decided to revenge by tearing their founder former President Rawlings into shreds.

Consequently, the disgusted supporters came out and vehemently repudiated such allegations and rather accused Rawlings as the one who has been indulging in corrupt practices.

Surprisingly, however, some supporters have gone to an extent of spurning Ex-President Rawlings and challenging him to evidence his claim as a founding father.

Ironically, Dr Obed Asamoah, an NDC stalwart, publicly told Ghanaians that former President Rawlings is not a founder of the party contrary to their party constitution.

He, however, maintained that Rawlings could not have been the founder of the party in the sense that he was an active army officer during the registration of the NDC.

In fact, the NDC apologists have committed, and still committing political suicide, or worst still, they are living in a denial for refusing to accept the fact that former President Rawlings is really revered by the foot soldiers more than any other member of the party.

After all, it was the ideals of former President Rawlings that gave birth to the NDC.

More importantly, Rawlings managed to bring a lot of supporters to his corner.

It would thus seem bizarre for any reflective thinking supporter to suggest that former President Rawlings is currently irrelevant in the NDC.

As a matter of fact, former President Rawlings still commands respect among the foot soldiers within the party.

And it is most likely that some of the former President Rawlings’s loyalists will be aggrieved over the NDC leadership’s shenanigans towards him.

Let us therefore face it, the ongoing tussle amongst the NDC loyalists will not inure to the benefit of the party.

Truly, the continuous disagreement between the factions could only deepen the cleavage and thereby keeping NDC in opposition for a very long time.

It is against this background that I am of the firm conviction that Rawlings may well relish the opportunity to rescue the party he cherishes so much.

Columnist: Kwaku Badu
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