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Women’s empowerment in Akufo-Addo’s government; Chief of Staff et al

Frema Opare Chief Staff1 Akosua Frema Osei-Opare, Chief of Staff

Mon, 22 Jul 2019 Source: Fadi Dabbousi

Listening to impeccable English and feigning illiteracy in the language for cheap political scores is one of the worst form of personal abuse and self-inflicted assassination ever.

When the President of the Republic, President Nana Akufo-Addo spoke about the need to empower women, the worst form of ignorant attacks were hurled at him in quite a vile manner as to suggest that he had blasphemed against all the principles of feminism and societal equality.

It is really necessary to say that women must also help in breaking the jinx that has kept them in the shadows. Europe, America, and other so-called advanced/developed countries that have been advocating for women’s rights are ironically the main abusers of same. There is no parity in the salaries of women versus men in same positions and equal qualifications.

What is worse is that women of higher credentials most often are paid less than men of lesser qualifications. That notwithstanding they are used and abused as if they were mere rags for kitchen counters. Violence against women in the so-called first world is almost a way of life.

My disappiointment is that the same feminists who tried to heckle Akufo-Addo would not dare speak against such incidences of violence and gender inequality. Or that they may be afraid of Trump, his assigns, and such characters? Where were they when Donald Trump was accused of molestations, sexual harassments, and so on? Maybe to them that is normal given his “money-swine” status!

However, here in Ghana, the practice is rather more favourable for women. They earn better than their colleague counterparts where necessary depending on the qualifications and the positions occupied.

However, the low self-esteem of our people in Ghana and other African countries makes us subordinates to the various degrees of brainwashing that the culprits in the developed world subject us to. The strategy of always hitting on us makes our society actually believe that we are inferiors when we are much better! We have everything that they do not have, but lack the self-esteem that they have. Even that, they stole from us!

Look at the subject of human rights abuse, for example. More people are “legally” executed in America than in sub-Saharan Africa, but because we have been driven to look down upon ourselves, we fail to see the wickedness and the gender abuse of the West. The common case of spousal abuse against women has become a culture in America and elsewhere.

The barrage of questions posed to President Akufo-Addo recently was to stimulate the ideas that this great man has for Ghanaian women in this regard. It was an admission that he wants the best for them.

However, some lowlife insubordinate spouses with very terrible family records of beating on their husbands and house-helps like Nana Oye Lithur, as alleged, hastened to strike in a very stomach-churning way.

Hannah Bissiw and Anita Desorso for example tried to raise rubble and incite Ghanaian women against the President when they really lacked the merit to speak on this issue. Hanna Bissiw exhibited her violent character by claiming to want to beat Rev Owusu Bempah with her “bare hands”! Maybe, just looking at the sprouts on her chest will be enough to knock any strong man out.

Her idiocy was accentuated when she claimed that the medical drones were rather for the purpose of taking pictures of naked women in the villages. This woman is the current organiser of females in the National Democratic Congress; and they want to be heard on feminism! What a sad story of our women in Ghana!

Anita Desorso (the meaning of her name is “Anita cling on or Anita add-on”) once ridiculed herself when she claimed that Dwarfs were stealing from the national coffers under her own government of the NDC in 2014, “Do we know where they get the money from? Do we know what they do with it? These dwarfs, the black magic is what have made the Cedi lost value,” she said.

Little did these awful dimwits understand that they needed to become real women to be able to appreciate and achieve the status of people worthy of sensible discourse.

Juxtaposing the history of women empowerment in Ghana to President Nana Akufo-Addo’s actual idealism in this regard, it is imperative to note that the very first female Chief of Staff of Ghana was appointed by him under the NP government.

In fact, she is handling her position in such an astute and diligent manner that she has become an example to emulate. Her unprecedented success in this position has brought many rebellious men to their knees. She has exhibited to the world that like her boss the President, she is in overdrive, making Ghana great again!

The President’s female appointees have not left a lot to be desired as they have also swung onto the bandwagon that Akufo-Addo is driving. Luckily we have a sensible driver, who has already shifted into third gear, two and half years into office, a sharp contrast from the driver of the erstwhile NDC government, who remained in first gear for four years, and began a reverse drive into extinction until the good people of Ghana expelled him.

In shaa ALLAH, given the status quo of success under Akufo-Addo in this NPP government, more women will campaign for him in 2020 because for the first time in the history of this country, the idea of emancipating women from the shackles of traditions and hypnosis is earnestly a non-negotiable project.

Let the propaganda of the NDC continue to emaciate the sense that any of its members may have ever had. #NanaAgainFor2020 ebafe gbeye!

Columnist: Fadi Dabbousi
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