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Education, a public good which must be accessible to all - Nana Addo

Vakpo Newly President Akufo-Addo at Vakpo Senior High School

Sun, 22 Oct 2017 Source: Yornu-Kormi

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has stated that his leadership recognises education as a “public good” that must be accessible to all youth due to its significant contribution to changing the country’s fortunes.

This the President said informed the government’s decision to equitably invest the country’s resources into the implementation of the Free Senior High School Policy.

“My government, therefore, regards education as a public good which our youth must have unfettered access” he said in a statement delivered on his behalf at the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Vakpo Senio High School in the North Dayi District of the Volta Region.

The President also stated that countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and North Korea churned the same path by “wiping out illiteracy and empowering a generation of citizens with education and skills” which contributed to socio -economic development of these countries.

He further stated that, it is therefore judicious to channel resources towards education to produce “an educated workforce” that would drive the country’s industrialisation to enhance create an “entrepreneurial climate” in Ghana.

“Leadership is about choices - I have chosen to invest in the future of our youth and our country. We have decided to use the proceeds from our natural resources to help educate the population to drive our economic transformation”.

The President, asserted that the implementation of the Free SHS has cut down Basic School dropout by 90% as it is estimated that some 100,000 Basic Education Certificate Examination graduates dropout annually over the last 4 years.

The Headmistress of Vakpo Senior High School, Ms Charity Adzoa Calai, indicated that the school had witnessed a 46.5% increment in enrolment for the 2017/2018 academic year due to the Free SHS and was grateful to President Akufo-Addo for the Policy.

Nevertheless, she expressed worry at the state of infrastructure on the campus especially the boys’ dormitory which is in a dilapidated stated with deep cracks at various sections.

She ,therefore, appealed for a swift completion of the various GETfund projects which include a facility for boys’ dormitory to end the challenge of lack of infrastructure in the school.

“Two flat storey for staff accommodation, bus for educational field trips, administration block with auxiliary offices, a dinning and kitchen complex, a 3-unit computer laboratory, and furniture” were among the immediate needs Ms Calai tabled before the President.

Source: Yornu-Kormi
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